Be a hero! Run/walk in the White Center 5K to help 3 nonprofits

(2014 WC5K photo by Patrick Sand)
Run or walk five kilometers to help three local nonprofits! Signups are under way for this year’s White Center 5K. From the official announcement:

The White Center Community Development Association (CDA) is partnering with the YES Foundation of White Center and the White Center Food Bank to host the third annual White Center 5K Walk & Run. This community event will take place on March 28, 2014, from 9:00 am to 11:00 am at White Center Heights Park. Like the previous year, this will be another Superhero Run and all participants are encouraged to dress up as their favorite superheroes.

The 5K has an official start time of 9:00 am, with registration beginning at 8:00 am. Following the completion of the race there will be an award ceremony to recognize the fastest runners in each age group. The cost of participation is $25 for people aged 11 through 18, $30 for people between the ages of 11 and 54, $25 for those aged 55 and up, and free for children 10 years of age and younger. All proceeds from the event will benefit the White Center CDA, the YES Foundation of White Center, and the White Center Food Bank.

Sign up now – just go here.

4 Replies to "Be a hero! Run/walk in the White Center 5K to help 3 nonprofits"

  • Jason D February 3, 2015 (9:11 pm)

    Not that it’s going to sway my decision but here it’s said that it’s free for children 10 years of age and younger but when signing up it’s not free for that age group?

  • WSB February 3, 2015 (9:20 pm)

    What’s above is a direct quote, verbatim, from the official announcement sent to us. If that is not accurate, that would be very concerning. Where did you find that it was NOT free – is it on their website? I would think organizers would want to know about a discrepancy, and I would too, having published their announcement in good faith that it was accurate … TR

  • Dawn February 5, 2015 (7:24 am)

    Good morning WSB! : ) i just went to Brown Paper Tickets to see what happens when signning up. Tix are free for age 0 to 5, and $5 for age 6 to 12 ($6.17 with fees). Maybe BPT made a mistake? : /

    • WSB February 5, 2015 (7:32 am)

      I will follow up with the organizers soon as I can.

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