Update: Police search after Alki-area burglary, suspect in custody

(Added: Photo courtesy Patrick C)
1:12 PM: Getting calls and texts about a big police search near 63rd/Admiral in the Alki area. We just called SPD media relations to ask about it and here’s what they told us: An apartment in the 6000 block of SW Stevens was broken into, and a citizen was following a suspect. Police have converged on the area, including a K-9 team. The suspect was last seen running around the area but hasn’t yet been caught, though police are reported to have found some items that might have been among the loot. The only description they have so far is a Hispanic man around 20 years old, unshaven, with a white baseball cap and black ponytail, puffy jacket (though he might have ditched it), and black pants.

(Photo courtesy Sarahjean)
1:14 PM UPDATE: Literally two minutes after we published this, police took a suspect into custody in the 6200 block of SW Admiral Way, according to scanner discussion.

ADDED: One more postscript – a reader report that the SW Stevens burglary was preceded by mail/package thefts on 55th SW, with the suspect caught on camera:

The reader who provided the screen grab from surveillance video says, “He got a fanny pack, burgundy leggings, a Paris tank top, protein powder & women’s multivitamins” – and the items were recovered. The police, meantime, got the video.

FRIDAY AFTERNOON NOTE: We hope to write a separate followup later, but in the meantime, a bail hearing for the suspect, who is 32 years old, was held this afternoon. Bail was set at $20,000. He has a record – and had a warrant out for his arrest. The case has also landed on SPD Blotter.

11 Replies to "Update: Police search after Alki-area burglary, suspect in custody"

  • sillygoose January 8, 2015 (1:30 pm)

    Love it, BRAVO SPD glad he was caught and no one hurt.

  • Steve S. January 8, 2015 (1:40 pm)

    I hope it’s the hump that robbed my house in Delridge on December 30th.

  • Bearschick January 8, 2015 (1:54 pm)

    There’s nothing listed on real time 911. Do you have an exact address for the apartment building?

    • WSB January 8, 2015 (1:58 pm)

      Real-time 911 is only the fire department, and there are no fire calls if no injuries. Anyway, no, SPD routinely releases only the block # and that’s all I have.

  • garden_nymph January 8, 2015 (3:09 pm)

    Well done SPD! Keep up the great work!

  • Elaine January 8, 2015 (4:37 pm)

    This man STOLE from my house & my neighbor!! How do I upload a photo? We have video footage of someone fitting this description!

    • WSB January 8, 2015 (5:03 pm)

      Elaine – since an arrest has been made and there’s no further searching, the people who need the footage would be the police – TR

  • Steve January 8, 2015 (5:26 pm)

    After the events at Me Kwa Mooks Park this morning, seeing all this police activity really had me on edge! Glad they caught the perp.

  • nikki January 8, 2015 (6:03 pm)

    I had an altercation with him around 12:15 or 12:30ish. He came out of the park and to our staff parking lot where I spooked him to get away from my car. I told an employee and she went to drive around and called the police.

  • LS January 8, 2015 (9:01 pm)

    Not to jump on the bandwagon but my house was broken into in south Alki just a few blocks from where the suspect was caught last Friday evening, January 2nd. Hope this is the guy. I’d love to recover my belongings.

  • GoSPDey January 8, 2015 (10:16 pm)

    Just huge ovation for SPD! Job well done.

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