This Thursday (November 21st), 3210 California SW – the biggest development on the drawing boards for the greater Admiral area – goes back to the Southwest Design Review Board, 6:30 pm at the Senior Center of West Seattle (California/Oregon). In advance of that meeting, developer Intracorp has gone public with new renderings that are not in the “packet” published online in advance of the meeting. Above, the full length of the project facade; below,

And this is a rendering of the retail courtyard.

The project’s packet is here; it says they’re currently proposing 149 units, 168 parking spaces, with 3,700 square feet of live-work space, 4,200 square feet of retail space. The last review was in June; our details of that meeting are part of this July roundup. Thursday’s meeting will include a public-comment period, and will be followed by the 8 pm review of 3078 Avalon Way SW.