The list you’ve been waiting for: What they’ll take at Sunday’s ‘Recycle Roundup’ in Fauntleroy

There’s the recycling you put out at the curb … and then, there’s the recycling you have to save up for either a run to the transfer station or … the twice-yearly Recycle Roundup at Fauntleroy Church. When we put out a “save the date” announcement about the latter event coming up next Sunday (September 22), the list of what 1 Green Planet will accept wasn’t available yet, but now it is – so if you’ve been saving stuff in the basement/storage room, or planning to do some sorting/cleaning this week, go here to see what you’ll be able to drop off for free on Sunday, 9 am-3 pm at 9140 California SW (map).

2 Replies to "The list you've been waiting for: What they'll take at Sunday's 'Recycle Roundup' in Fauntleroy"

  • AroundtheSound September 16, 2013 (4:31 pm)

    Thanks for the advance notice. Gives me time to hunt rummage around my garage and storage space.

  • coffee September 16, 2013 (7:08 pm)

    Yea, I have a big stash! Remember to bring a donation, it helps alot!

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