Carrier with cars: USS Ronald Reagan on the move again

(Click image for larger view – photo by David Schneider)
More sightings this morning of the USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76) on the move off West Seattle shores. It was out of view by the time we got down to the water but we’ve since received this photo from David Schneider, who wondered about the cars on deck. West Seattle ship-watchers noticed the same thing when the carrier arrived in early 2012 for work in Bremerton – see the photos and comments here. With the work done, the carrier is moving its homeport to San Diego and that means “everything must go.”

11 Replies to "Carrier with cars: USS Ronald Reagan on the move again"

  • The Jack March 18, 2013 (1:47 pm)

    Typically when Carriers relocate from their homeports for overhauls, the crew are allowed to bring their POV’s. It looks as if they are going home

  • Robert March 18, 2013 (1:47 pm)

    The cars must really confuse the Chinese and Russian intelligence agencies.

  • Dom March 18, 2013 (2:02 pm)

    I’m impressed that they just load the soldiers’ cars on deck!

  • Fitness Freak March 18, 2013 (5:28 pm)

    At least they could have named the ship: The USS Dementia.

    Sorry, Ronald, but you were pathetic in my little neck of the woods.

    My 91 year old bigot neighbor thinks you were grand, though…

  • David Schneider March 18, 2013 (5:35 pm)

    Do they have to tie the cars down somehow? I wouldn’t think they’d have any particularly rough weather between here and San Diego, but hate to see someones car roll off the deck :)

  • M. March 18, 2013 (11:20 pm)

    Fitness Freak, that’s a pretty awful and illogical thing to write, especially about his medical conditions.
    Agree with President Reagan’s politics or not, but remember he did dedicate several years of his life to public service.

  • Karma March 19, 2013 (4:31 am)

    Fitness Freak you should be ashamed of yourself, you are indeed abnormal, a monster as freak is defined. Reagan was one of the most loved and admired Presidents in history. Alzheimer’s is a terrible disease and I hope and pray you aren’t afflicted with it, though it would be well deserved karma.

    freak1 [freek]
    1. any abnormal phenomenon or product or unusual object; anomaly; aberration.
    2. a person or animal on exhibition as an example of a strange deviation from nature; monster.

  • D March 19, 2013 (6:53 am)

    They tie the cars down just like they tie airplanes down on the divits on the deck…

  • Tom March 19, 2013 (7:54 pm)

    Did someone say they tie the cars to divits on the deck? I didn’t know the deck was big enough to play golf on it.

  • Chris March 20, 2013 (5:57 am)

    Fitness freak. So only a bigot could appreciate that ships namesake? And your concern for dementia sufferers is noted. Anyone on either side of politics should be offended by your comments.

  • Mac McQuinn March 20, 2013 (7:00 am)

    Talk all the garbage you want but Reagan and people like him are the reason you are free to talk BS without having your head removed surgically. So like him or not, show some respect for our country.

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