Octopus followup: Dylan Mayer advocates for protection in Olympia

12:36 PM: There’s a postscript today to last week’s big controversy over a 19-year-old diver removing an octopus from popular Cove 2 at Seacrest.

West Seattle environmental advocate “Diver Laura” James – the first person to tip us last week – monitored the proceedings in Olympia before state Fish and Wildlife Commission meeting. In our coverage last week, we focused on plans to push for protection of wildlife at Cove 2, since otherwise, the octopus catch was completely legal. The state explained that public comment was welcome at commission meetings (today and tomorrow are the first ones since the incident). James reports that the octopus catcher, Dylan Mayer, spoke during the public-comment period of today’s meeting, “on behalf of closing Cove 2 for octopus and putting up clear signage.” She adds, “Massive props go to Craig Willemsen, the owner of Silent World Diving Systems, who met with him on Tuesday and discussed it as an option.” Mayer had defended his action in various discussions, including the WSB Forum, with several posts including this one. This morning’s meeting was webcast by TVW, and video will eventually be online here.

ADDED 6:37 PM: The official state news release about what happened today, including Mayer’s comments:

The director of the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) today announced plans to explore regulatory options for banning the harvest of giant Pacific octopuses off a popular Seattle beach and possibly elsewhere in Puget Sound.

WDFW Director Phil Anderson said the department will consider new rules to preserve the population of giant Pacific octopuses at Seacrest Park near Alki Point, where a 19-year-old scuba diver provoked a public outcry after legally harvesting one of the charismatic animals last week.

Under current state rules, divers can harvest one giant Pacific octopus per day in most areas of Puget Sound.

“The harvesting of this animal has resulted in a strong, negative reaction from the public and the dive community,” Anderson said. “We believe this area may merit additional restrictions to enhance the traditional uses of this popular beach.”

Anderson announced the department’s plans at the start of a two-day public meeting of the Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission, a nine-member governing body that has final authority over most new fishing rules.

With nearly two-dozen scuba divers in attendance, Anderson outlined several possible options to preserve giant Pacific octopuses, ranging from designating Seacrest Park as a marine protected area to prohibiting hunting the animals anywhere in the state.

Anderson said WDFW will hold public meetings this winter to hear Washingtonians’ thoughts on those options.

All of the divers who spoke on the issue at the commission meeting supported new regulations prohibiting the harvest of octopuses at Seacrest Park and other popular scuba diving areas.

Scott Lundy, a member of the Washington Scuba Alliance, presented the commission with a petition signed by 5,000 divers supporting a ban on killing octopuses at Seacrest Park.

Dylan Mayer, the 19-year-old diver from Seattle who started the controversy, also told the commission he supports a ban on killing octopuses at the park.

“I didn’t know they were so beloved, or I wouldn’t have done it,” he said.

While many of the divers called for an immediate ban at Seacrest Park, Anderson said Washington law requires state agencies to follow an established public process for developing new regulations.

“If the conservation of a species or the public welfare is at stake, we can take emergency action,” he said. “But the killing of the giant Pacific octopus last week appears to be an isolated case at Seacrest Park, and the species appears to be healthy throughout Puget Sound.”

He added, however, that the department may still consider taking emergency action if another octopus is taken from the area.

In other business, the commission heard public comments on management options proposed by representatives from Washington and Oregon to restructure salmon and sturgeon fisheries on the lower Columbia River.

Since early September, the two states have been working to develop a joint plan for phasing out the use of gillnets by non-tribal fishers in the mainstem lower Columbia River by 2016, as initially proposed by Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber.

Members of a bi-state working group are scheduled to reach agreement later this month on a final plan for consideration by both states’ fish and wildlife commissions. Additional information is available on WDFW’s website at http://goo.gl/MCG5q.

On Friday (Nov. 9), the Washington commission will hold a public hearing on proposed new options for allocating the catch of spot shrimp between recreational and commercial fisheries. It will also hear public comments on proposed changes in state rules for compensating ranchers and other landowners who lose livestock to predatory carnivores.

The commission is scheduled to take action on both issues in a meeting set for Dec. 14-15. An agenda this month’s meeting is available on the commission’s website at http://goo.gl/HtqhI.

56 Replies to "Octopus followup: Dylan Mayer advocates for protection in Olympia"

  • marty November 8, 2012 (12:44 pm)

    Good job Dylan!!

  • DiverLaura November 8, 2012 (1:32 pm)

    I actually did not make it down to Olympia, but i was GLUED to the live proceedings…. Props to everyone able to make it down and especially those who spoke on behalf of the subject!

    • WSB November 8, 2012 (1:52 pm)

      Have amended. Live feeds are very helpful that way. Last night we had to monitor the school-board BEX vote via cable TV due to a few things that got in the way of leaving West Seattle, though we have been there in the Stanford Center auditorium for all the previous meetings. Unfortunately, not all public meetings are broadcast/webcast, live OR recorded (the School Board’s “work sessions,” for example). Glad to have TVW available – Seattle TV stations rely on it too. – TR

  • Morgan November 8, 2012 (1:52 pm)

    I vote to have the octopus protected. For me, it was horrifying to see that octopus throw in the back of that truck.

  • Chris W November 8, 2012 (1:59 pm)


  • D November 8, 2012 (2:04 pm)

    I’m so ashamed of my community and the bullies that threatened and harassed a kid simply because he didn’t initially share the same values they have. Every time I picture the diver walking up to Dylan I can’t help but picture pro-lifers approaching and berating someone for visiting a Planned Parenthood clinic. Instead of taking advantage of a moment to educate a young diver, people turned this into an ugly attack, crying for laws prohibiting fishing – something that many people value. What could have been resolved with a simple conversation turned into a national embarrassment.

  • Guy Olson November 8, 2012 (2:36 pm)

    Really? That kid is an a-hole!! Did you not see the look on his face, and his comments that he “was coming back again”?!!!! Pathetic!! I just can’t believe we are going to now be on his side! Pro-lifer vs angry shocked diver??? Are you out of your mind?! This kid is and always will be a real punk. I can see this kid being a violent jerk again in the near future. Also, please visit the Seattle Aquarium and stare at the Octopus they have there, then maybe you’ll think differently.

  • alkimom71 November 8, 2012 (2:40 pm)

    Thank you Dylan and Craig Willemsen. It is human nature for these conflicts to escalate. It is rare for people to get together and find constructive solutions after this level of sound and fury.

    It takes a big man to provide that leadership. A big man, in a silly shiny black suit with flappy flipper feet.

  • Kari November 8, 2012 (2:43 pm)

    Let’s move forward focusing on the positive resolution of something that was very emotional for both sides of the story. I have a lot of respect for Dylan attending and speaking at the Fish and Wildlife meeting. That takes a lot of character and maturity. I also understand why people were upset. There are always two sides to a story but in this case it’s really impressive to see both sides working out a resolution

  • Blinky November 8, 2012 (2:49 pm)

    Well put, D. Let’s all check our indignation just a bit and do some background and context-checking before acting like villagers with torches and pitchforks. these facts remain: Dylan had all the proper permits and hunted ethically and legally. I’m a bow hunter myself and this whole story has me shopping for camo wetsuits and checking what other delicious specialties exist right outside my door. I don’t have a boat and I don’t have the patience for ‘fishing’, but stalking game in its own environment, 5 minutes away instead of a 5 hour drive away sounds great!

  • Guy November 8, 2012 (2:54 pm)

    Blinky, are you serious?

  • Kayleigh November 8, 2012 (2:55 pm)

    Nice to see he may have learned something about cruelty to animals—which I’ll never see as an optional “value” I’m supposed to tolerate. I’m proud of the community for speaking out and have zero sympathy for the heat he took. At 19, most of us know better.

  • Blinky November 8, 2012 (3:00 pm)

    Guy, yes I am. Problem?

  • marty November 8, 2012 (3:11 pm)

    Keep it up Kayleigh??? Maybe you think you can stop this from having a positive outcome, but I think we have enough good folks around to overcome your inmature intentions. Let the rest of us see that this area becomes a preserve all can enjoy. Let’s move on without your hate.

  • D November 8, 2012 (3:13 pm)

    Kayleigh, there are actually laws against cruelty to animals. This was not cruelty to animals. You and others posting similar comments are simply trying to impose your values on others. And those people are now trying to pass laws restricting everyone’s rights based solely on personal values. Sounds exactly like those pushing for abortion laws because it is “horrifying” to picture a dead fetus. In this case, just switch dead fetus to dead octopus. Don’t tell me I can’t do something just because you personally oppose it.

  • DiverLaura November 8, 2012 (3:40 pm)

    I’m going to be diving with Dylan (and possibly his buddy too), he’s excited about helping with our weekend clean-up dives and just getting underwater. I dive a lot here in West Seattle.

    I am going to ask that EVERYONE put the negatives behind us and work towards positives. If you see us on the beach, please be kind and thoughtful (AKA if you are still mad and angry, keep your trap shut). He is just a kid and he’s trying to do right by the situation.

  • Kari November 8, 2012 (3:43 pm)

    I’m really proud of our community for mobilizing the Cove 2 protection effort. I’m also impressed by both Dylan and Craig working together to come up with a solution.

  • D November 8, 2012 (3:56 pm)

    Sorry, but I don’t consider restricting everyone’s rights based on a vocal minority’s value judgment to be a positive outcome. The preserve is being proposed not because of overfishing, not because of environmental reasons, not because of safety, but simply because of people’s feelings in reaction to a single incident. When laws are passed that restrict the rights of everyone based solely on the feelings of a few, that is scary, and there is nothing positive about it.

  • Dave November 8, 2012 (4:04 pm)

    Sorry D but I think you’ll find in Seattle that the majority is against you on this one. Responsible hunting and fishing is one thing but frankly killing animals for the fun of it is psychopathic.

  • Fred November 8, 2012 (4:10 pm)

    I agree with “D”, this is a story about bullying a teenager.

  • DiverLaura November 8, 2012 (4:19 pm)

    Actually D, there is some logic to the closure (it should have been considered ages ago). The habitat at the cove (lots of discarded people stuff) for some reasons draws octopus in. Be it that it has already been a den or some other reason. What this means is that it is basically an octopus trap or octopus ‘sink’ if divers decide to actively hunt there. Every time an octopus is removed, another will likely occupy the den. With a one Octopus a day limit per diver, this could very quickly decimate the local population and deplete the surrounding area (octopus are transient and will move in from outlying areas). They won’t get the memo that its not a safe haven anymore, they’ll just think “woohoo! Empty den! I’m movin’ up in the world!” (usually the big octopus get the nice dens near the food and the smaller octos have to go live in the low rent district, under a traffic cone or something)

  • MaryV November 8, 2012 (4:30 pm)

    While my original thoughts were very negative about the situation, that has changed. I must thank DiverLaura for her words and for Dylan for showing us he is not the guy we thought he was. That is what is so great about this country and city. While in other places he might never have been given a chance to turn around our perceptions. We should all get behind the initiative to protect this area. Reasonable people will support this and thank Dylan.

    D and Blinky. You must disagree with zoos. These coves are the underwater equivalent. Zoos were created to allow the public to view nature and wildlife. The coves will become the equvalent. If you feel that you NEED to hunt, there are many other places to legally and ethically conduct your activity. Sorry if your hunting world is getting smaller, but you live in a democracy.

  • D November 8, 2012 (4:44 pm)

    Laura, the very fact that it could (note I don’t agree that it should, so I won’t use your word) have been considered ages ago, but it wasn’t, supports the argument that there is little to no reason to ban harvesting. It simply hasn’t been necessary. There is no evidence that transient octopus populations are moving in from outlying areas and being depleted. If there were, I would support a ban. I have a B.S. in Environmental Resources, and I support evidence-based regulation. This is knee-jerk “feelings-based” regulation.

  • D November 8, 2012 (4:56 pm)

    No MaryV, an aquarium is the equivalent of an underwater zoo. Elliott Bay is not the Seattle aquarium, it is a multi-use, public area, open to fishing and harvesting of octopus. And people are proposing to limit the use that is currently allowed. I have no problem with limiting those uses if there is an environmental reason to do so, but there is not.

  • Blinky November 8, 2012 (5:05 pm)

    Mary V- I love zoos. They allow me to see animals from other parts of the world. And if the coves are eventually legally protected, I will comply and not harvest there.

  • Beth November 8, 2012 (5:40 pm)

    Well, wow. Dylan really isn’t the guy I thought he was. Good for him, both for this and for going on those clean-up dives. That earns my respect.

  • Dave November 8, 2012 (6:12 pm)

    What is this “harvesting” crap? I eat meat and if you eat what you kill I support your right to hunt, but be clear that you are killing an animal and show that animal some respect, it’s not a potato.

  • D November 8, 2012 (6:26 pm)

    No MaryV, aquariums are the equivalent of underwater zoos. Elliott Bay is not the Seattle aquarium. It is a multi use public area where fishing and shellfish harvesting are allowed. I have no problem restricting one of those uses for environmental or safety reasons, but not because of someone’s feelings.

  • Victor November 8, 2012 (6:31 pm)

    The bullying of this kid has outraged a few buddies down by ft Lewis. Word has it that a significant group of them are coming up to do some hunting in cove 2 next week.

  • sunset November 8, 2012 (7:12 pm)

    I am sad to hear this because I think that a person unrepentant about his repeating pattern of cruelty to animals should not be encouraged to be around animals.

    Someone who found it funny to film killing a chicken by setting off an air bag under it, someone who found it funny to film the death twitches of a cow, someone who bragged about kicking a porcupine, and someone who bragged about lighting a firecracker in a snake’s mouth needs some kind of help. He’s not going to get that help when he has parents who make excuses for him and who threaten to sue the people who do try to help him.

    I hope that he stays away from Alki. If I see him here, I will initiate a discussion about animal cruelty with him.

    The problem wasn’t hunting the animal. The problem was punching it, leaving it to suffocate, and threatening to kill more out of spite. A positive outcome would be punishment and an apology for the non-hunting things that he has done to animals, things that he himself chose to tell the world about.

  • Blinky November 8, 2012 (7:28 pm)

    Dave- Meh. I harvest deer. I harvest elk. And soon I will harvest what the WSDFW allows me to in puget sound.

  • elikapeka November 8, 2012 (7:31 pm)

    I’m very impressed with the outcome here. It’s great that Dylan and the diving community have worked together to make something positive happen.

  • Cait November 8, 2012 (8:03 pm)

    It baffles me that this kid is doing the right thing and he’s still getting flack. You can’t complain that people are cruel and never change if you never LET them CHANGE. He’s changing his view, publicly speaking up for the right thing and swallowing some pride – do you have any idea how hard that is to do? Let alone for someone of his age? Especially after being fired, bullied and nationally vilified?! I think this is so inspiring… if one legally caught, nationally recognized octopus is the sacrificial lamb here when it comes to getting this area protected forever and a young man learns something about preservation and local culture – let’s just concede that in relative terms, that’s a win. However it’s been clear that plenty of people were just on this bandwagon to chase the equally disturbing human need to shame another human being. And forget in that process that he is a human being.

  • KD November 8, 2012 (8:16 pm)

    To all; I was ready to comment on the news page, even before reading the comments, so originally my two-cents is that this MOSTLY started because of Dylan’s flippant and crass remarks about the said octopus to the instructing diver that approached him. I’m positive that if he had been less ‘attitude’ and smart-alecky and been inquisitive and inviting to the approaching experienced diver, he would not have had the negative outcome that hit him Internet and news wise. Hopefully a lesson learned on just having a smart mouth before thinking. That said, things happen for a reason, and this outcome may turn into good in the future. But, BLINKY… ‘seriously'(?) yes a problem here too. Bragging about what you can kill with a bow, that’s not for food, that’s for your sick pleasure. Why can you not kill an animal quicker? It is torture to do ‘bow hunting’, don’t care if its legal or not.. makes me wonder about someone that enjoys it AND brags about it. Karma dude, karma.

  • Aloha Manpuff November 8, 2012 (8:17 pm)

    Victor – That sounds kind of fun, unless, of course, you’re an octopus. And a shout out to Laura, who does great work, for letting these guys know that there’s nearly an endless supply of them down there for the time being. I’m sure others will be happy to hear that as well.
    Also, it’s strange that they only live 3 years. My 3 year old couldn’t be trusted with one egg let alone thousands. Must have to do with how each tentacle has it’s own crude brain and when a tentacle is severed it continues to hunt and capture prey and attempt to move to the mouth of the main gooey part. 8 brains sounds like a great system.

  • sunset November 8, 2012 (8:41 pm)

    Cait, I don’t see any change in his attitude about needlessly hurting animals, which is something different from hunting. He should be ashamed of what he has done to a number of different species, but there is no evidence that he is. Until I hear that he is sorry for his repeated animal cruelty, I really hope that I do not see him here.

  • raincity November 8, 2012 (8:52 pm)

    I think Diver Laura put it well to say let’s put the negatives behind us and more towards the positives. It’s very cool people are now working together towards a very positive outcome.

  • DiverLaura November 8, 2012 (9:05 pm)

    Thank you Cait…

    Spot on.

    Lets give him the chance to grow into that man that we saw the glimpse of shining through despite being an exhausted very nervous 19 year old kid.

    If you believe the worst and always treat someone as the worst, often time they live down to your expectations… you never give them an opportunity to grow…

    He’s 19… Right NOW, our actions, our words, ALL of us help set the stage for the man he becomes.

    Aloha – re: ‘letting them know there is an endless supply’, no, there is only one more.

    If this becomes “not an isolated incident” then it likely gets emergency closure and strengthens the case to become some kind of permanent.

  • Guy November 8, 2012 (9:08 pm)

    Yeah but that kid will always be a punk in my book.

  • Cait November 8, 2012 (9:17 pm)

    I would so much rather hear “Let’s make sure no one does what I did again” than “I’m sorry.” Again. Shame vs. Progress.

  • Denise November 8, 2012 (9:54 pm)

    I’m Denise, Dylan’s mom.
    I want to thank the diving community for tuning this negative experience into a positive one. Also for taking the time to get to know Dylan and helping him undertand the the issues at hand.
    For being able to know the “truth” in the incident. Craig and Rick, thank-you for the encouragement I have needed this past week too.
    Thank-you to the people who have reached out and want to mentor Dylan with his diving. This means a lot to him and his family.
    Dylan is excited about the weekend cleanup and supporting plans to push for protection of wildlife at Cove 2.
    Since the events from last week, I have done a lot of research on the Octopi. I’m stunned at the beauty and intelligence of these creatures. I found a video that one of you took underwater at cove 2 showing the Octopi in it’s surrounding.
    I wish I were a diver and personally see these for myself. I’ll have to settle for the Seattle Aquarium, which is from what I’ve heard is great too.
    You should all be proud of your passion and what you can do to make the changes that are dear to you.
    We all have learned a lot from this.
    You guys are great!

  • m November 8, 2012 (10:04 pm)

    Thank you, DiverLaura, for your well-articulated insight. Dylan’s response to the public reaction is part of his ongoing process over this event; not yet completed so, perhaps, imperfect to some. He’s walking the high road now. I applaud his courage in reconsidering his actions (for whatever reasons at this beginning stage) and hope members of the diving community continue taking him under their wings and showing him the way.

  • Guy November 9, 2012 (3:30 am)

    Oh he’s a little hero now? Look at that picture and read what he said!! Please! I will never forget!

  • Otterpocket November 9, 2012 (4:17 am)

    While I never have commented on any forum, I read them often and have followed this particular story with a bit of interest, both as an animal lover and someone who has an interst in the way people act and react in heated situations.
    This one has been very interesting to me.
    I’d like to applaud Dylan for his new stance regarding this issue, and would like to note that he had no true obligation to do so. A very admirable action to do, especially considering the circumstances.
    I’d also like to commend “Grateful Diver” (my apologies, I can’t recall his name right now) for also admitting the situation could have been handled better.
    The two of you have accidentally brought an issue forward that most of us who aren’t involved in the diving community were not aware of.
    Even though, only from what I have read, mind you, there has been a very heated debate surrounding this perceived offense, I am very proud to call both parties my nieghbors. It benefits us all when people stand up and firmly disagree. These kind of matters bring up issues that matter. And only then can they be addressed.
    Let’s all leave the hate in the previous days and be thankful that Dylan and “Grateful Diver” brought an issue a lot of us were previously unaware of writhing to the surface.

  • Kayleigh November 9, 2012 (7:22 am)

    Pathetic and embarrssing that the “values” of empathy and compassion for animals need to be “imposed” upon some people. But apparently they do, for the animals’ sake. Yes, people like me are your worst nightmare, blinky, and we’re not going away or keeping quiet.
    I’m donating $1 for every ridiculous comment and defense of this dude to the WWF. Keep it up.

  • Blinky November 9, 2012 (7:43 am)

    I’ll match your donation to the WWF, Kayleigh. In my opinion, when Hulk Hogan and Rowdy Roddy Piper left, the whole organization went downhill.
    And if you’re my worst nightmare, I must be doing A-OK.
    Peace, love and understanding

  • Chris W. November 9, 2012 (8:14 am)

    Seattle Times covers this issue again today. http://seattletimes.com/html/localnews/2019640738_octopus09m.html

    • WSB November 9, 2012 (8:59 am)

      CW – if you look at the story, it’s based on the same news release we added in its entirety above. But thanks to “Diver Laura,” we had early word of Dylan Mayer’s Olympia appearance here, hours beforehand … hooray for community collaboration. – TR

  • DB Coup November 9, 2012 (8:23 am)

    I grew up in Seattle and the Puget Sound region and I wonder why octopus was never big as a dinner table item like clams, dungeness crab, and salmon. I’ve traveled to the Mediterranean and South East Asia where it’s a big item on menus, but not here where we have the largest octopus on the planet. It tastes good when prepared right. Just curious.

  • alkimom71 November 9, 2012 (8:35 am)

    I think Diver Laura needs to run for office.

    Diver Laura 2016!

  • m November 9, 2012 (9:50 am)

    @ Guy. I don’t think anyone’s forgetting Dylan’s original act and reaction to being confronted. His ongoing past behavior toward animals has, indeed, been heinous. There’s no question about that. He’s 19 and has a lot of life and experience in front of him. Should we punish him for its entirety and give no weight to the possibility that he may spend far more than the next 19 years reconsidering his behavior/attitudes and using this experience as a catalyst for change? It didn’t take much time at all for him to engage with the diving community on this and begin to take some action. It’s one thing to malign someone when they’re behaving badly, but now?! Take a breath, notice the feeling and let yourself loosen up.

  • erico November 9, 2012 (9:59 am)

    “Sorry D but I think you’ll find in Seattle that the majority is against you on this one.”

    I have to point out here that in many parts of the US the majority is clearly with pro-lifers. One of the reasons we have our laws, legal processes and the Constitution is to protect us from the “majority”, especially when that “majority” is limited to a region or a socio-economic group. Also anyone who thinks they are being a good liberal by espousing intolerance espoused by Guy and especially those threatening harm to a human being doesn’t understand the word liberal.

  • Steve November 9, 2012 (10:22 am)

    This is not a solution. This is a vocal minority that is getting its own way.

    1. How many times a year does someone legally harvest an octopus from popular dive site around Seattle?

    2. Did the witnesses to the legal harvest tell everything the way it happened or did they exaggerate it?

    3. Now that the witness have fired people up to get the divers banned from several dive shops will the dive shops now relent and rescind the ban?

    4. How about a posible lawsuit if found that the witnesses exaggerated what they say? (aka. lying)

  • D November 9, 2012 (10:25 am)

    The incident was a result of the dive community’s failure to educate their own. Or I should say our own, since I’m a diver too. It’s too bad the dive community turned to the State to try and fix their problem instead of looking internally. Dylan didn’t know the octopus was held in such high regard or he wouldn’t have taken it. That’s not a call to regulate, it’s a call to educate.

  • J November 9, 2012 (1:01 pm)

    Huge thumbs up to Dylan, his mom, Diver Laura for this turn of events.

    Big ol’ boo-hiss to folks still intent on calling names. It’s called growing up– messy at times, but with help, most of us manage it. Sounds like Dylan is on HIS way; can’t say the same for some others.

  • WSB November 9, 2012 (2:46 pm)

    The debating of what Dylan Mayer did or did not do, particularly before the octopus incident, is over, here. Please go engage in it on one of the many other websites that have absolutely no rules, civility standards, boundaries (or pretend to have them but don’t enforce them). The reason we did not originally report this story as OH MY GOD LOOK WHAT THIS AWFUL PERSON DID – which is where it already had gone when we first heard about it on Halloween night – is because this is not a shaming/vigilante site. Period. End of story. What matters is the future. If you believe there is a crime to investigate, call authorities. Otherwise, our focus herem, as was the case with our first news story on this, is on what might change as a result of this having been brought to light – which could have happened, in my view, without any of the shaming/vigilantism/digging into past Facebook pages/etc. So everybody on all sides, I’m calling this one off/closed/done. Including the trolling by a few people saying they’re going to go hunt like mad because of this, etc. etc. ad nauseam. Just stop it. If anyone has anything constructive to say about the state’s consideration of protection/regulation, which is what this story is about, give it a try, otherwise, I’m not letting any more of the trash talk through. I realize you have lots of other places to go engage in it, so it probably doesn’t matter to you, but it’s our little statement about online civility: “Not in my house.” – Tracy

Sorry, comment time is over.