West Seattle wildlife: Another edition of ‘identify that bird’

Cate, who describes her neighborhood as the west side of North Admiral, is looking for help in ID’ing the bird in her photo:

I have never posted or shared anything before, but I’m hoping your readers can help me identify these wonderful birds that have been visiting my deck for the past three days. I think they may be juvenile peregrine falcons …. or maybe that’s just wishful thinking :-) because it would be super cool to have falcons on the deck!

I’ve seen one or two of them the past three days. The first day, there was one and he was very unstable – clutching the deck rail and looking very wobbly. I actually thought he was injured. The next day, there were two and it looked like they were practicing flying …. half jumping, half flying from one deck rail to the other. Today, I saw only one and he was doing slightly longer swooping flights.


11 Replies to "West Seattle wildlife: Another edition of 'identify that bird'"

  • liz m August 4, 2012 (1:07 am)

    It is either a juvenile sharp-shinned or Cooper’s hawk. They’re tricky to tell apart, and with this photo I wouldn’t want to make a call. I will say that I tend to see Cooper’s in my ‘hood by Shmitz Park, not sharpies.

  • Maggie August 4, 2012 (6:35 am)

    What Liz said! My first thought was Cooper’s.

  • Westie August 4, 2012 (7:20 am)

    I would agree with Liz. Most likely a juvenile Coopers. Very cool! Thanks for sharing Cate.

  • sbre August 4, 2012 (7:26 am)

    My VERY UN-EDUCATED guess is a Cooper’s hawk, they are a quasi-plentiful species around here.

    We’re in north Admiral and see them often enough to feel confident with that guess.

  • JoAnne August 4, 2012 (7:48 am)

    Cooper’s hawk is my guess also.

    Here’s a fun page with ID tips

  • enviromaven August 4, 2012 (10:56 am)

    Falcons are fabulous, but it’s also very cool to have fledgling hawks practicing their flying skills around your deck. Thanks for posting this photo :)

  • Sarah August 4, 2012 (11:20 am)

    Cooper’s hawks are bird hunters, so don’t be too surprised or dismayed if you see them chowing down on other neighborhood birds on your deck as well. The Cooper’s hawks in my neighborhood regularly patrol my backyard bird feeder.

  • A.L. August 4, 2012 (6:56 pm)

    Hi. I saw this bird in our backyard yesterday! It was enjoying the view from the top of our pine tree with a squirrel(Yes, they didn’t bother each other at all. Maybe the bird wasn’t hungry.)
    I took some pictures, too. I thought that the bird was a Cooper’s hawk also.
    We live in the Gatewood hill neighborhood.
    All the other smaller birds were very alarmed, and I was the only one excited!

  • Austin August 4, 2012 (8:43 pm)

    This a Cooper’s Hawk.

  • Neal Chism August 5, 2012 (5:41 pm)

    Two peregrines are now under the West Seattle Freeway on the east side columns if you want to see one.

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