Happening now: Blue Truck Special’s West Seattle debut

(Photo by Christopher Boffoli for WSB)
Dr. Terrill Harrington was first in line as Damiana Merryweather‘s new Blue Truck Special made its West Seattle debut today in The Triangle – maybe no surprise, since the truck is in his parking lot at 3623 SW Alaska. She’s scheduled to be there till 2, serving “elevated comfort food” – as explained in our preview story by Christopher Boffoli, who says he tried the crispy mortadella “fried bologna” sandwich with orange marmalade, arugula, and dijon, pronouncing it “particularly good.”

12 Replies to "Happening now: Blue Truck Special's West Seattle debut"

  • John M July 31, 2011 (1:09 pm)

    The Joisey Boy sub was outstanding. Top quality ingredients, good portions and the bread was outstanding. A good value. I hope they come back.

  • Nom nomer July 31, 2011 (1:14 pm)

    Tried the meatloaf sandwich and it was good. My husband tried the chicken curry salad and he said it was extraordinary. We’ll be back

  • cjboffoli July 31, 2011 (1:19 pm)

    John M: Ms. Merryweather collaborated on the new menu with her boyfriend, Chef Brian O’Connor (formerly Chef de Cuisine at Blueacre Seafood and currently at Skillet Diner), who happens to be a native of the Garden State. She told me this morning that Brian had very specific instructions on how to make that sandwich as authentic as possible.

  • Meatloaf Sandwicher July 31, 2011 (2:20 pm)

    Had the meatloaf sandwich–really really good. Looking forward to visiting in the future.

  • Paul July 31, 2011 (2:35 pm)


  • Silly Goose July 31, 2011 (2:36 pm)

    Oh crap I tried to remember to go try this today and forgot and made myself a sandwich. Will they be back next Saturday?

  • cjboffoli July 31, 2011 (4:12 pm)

    Silly Goose: Every SUNDAY. 11-2.

  • Adam July 31, 2011 (4:16 pm)

    I saw the picture, thought “Hey! That looks like my doctor!”, and then it turns out it really is a picture of him. Hah. I missed the food truck, though. :(

    If any of Skillet’s awesomeness rubbed off on this truck, it should be great.

  • rw July 31, 2011 (7:52 pm)

    I happened to drive by their location today. What struck me was that it seems to be a bit of on out-of-the-way or low traffic location–unlike the Beautiful Mexico spot on Fauntleroy or the Marination Mobile location on 35th, which get a lot of drive-by traffic. I wish these new folks good luck, so I hope the location doesn’t undermine their chance of succeeding.

  • cjboffoli July 31, 2011 (9:27 pm)

    rw: I dunno. 35th & Graham doesn’t exactly have a lot of foot traffic either and Marination Mobile seems to be doing very well there. The Blue Truck is right across the street from the 70% leased Link apartment building, a block from The Grove hotel, a block from the firehouse and not far from the coming Les Schwab, Trader Joe’s and Nova apartment building. Not to mention close to both 35th and Fauntleroy with plenty of street parking. The Triangle seems to be one of the most up-and-coming parts of West Seattle’s retail space. I think she’s probably going to do well there. If the menu stays interesting the foodies will find her.

  • Damiana August 1, 2011 (12:05 am)

    A quick note to say thanks to the blog for getting the word out about our presence today. And a huge thanks to everyone who stopped by for lunch. It was a good first day. The enthusiasm was very welcoming. We will definately be back the next couple of Sundays. As long as the interest continues to grow. We are happy to be patient.

  • sam-c August 1, 2011 (8:17 am)

    did anyone else’s FB profile automatically ‘like’ the Blue Truck Special without you actually consciously doing it? we noticed one other friend who ‘liked’ the Blue Truck Special, and the common thread seems like it might be the Swinery, but can FB allow you to like things without you knowing it??? I like food trucks and all, and will have to give this one a try, but not sure how I feel about someone else telling me what I like.

Sorry, comment time is over.