Update: Dick’s Drive-In in West Seattle?

We reported on Monday that legendary local burger chain Dick’s had announced it would be building its first new store in decades, and had launched an online poll to let customers decide where.  (The poll is still active here; there had been some problems with it because of the crush of traffic it received – more than 32,000 votes – but it’s fine now.)

We received more than 150 comments about that story, and another 35+ comments on Facebook, along with heavy activity on Twitter. WSB readers certainly have their opinions about the famous eatery!

In the poll, West Seattle is lumped into the “South” group with other locales, and is currently running 2nd in the polling:

Where would you locate the new Dick’s Drive-In?

North (Shoreline, Mountlake Terrace, Lynnwood, Edmonds, South Everett) – 42% (13781 votes)
South (West Seattle, South Seattle, Renton, Burien, SeaTac, Tukwila) – 30% (9836 votes)
East (Bellevue, Redmond, Kirkland, Bothell, Mercer Island, Issaquah, Sammamish) – 26% (8618 votes)

Total Votes: 32,235

SEPTEMBER 2 UPDATE: Many thanks to those who commented and e-mailed to let us know about the news reports (including this one, from partner KING 5) that the Dick’s vote had been “hacked.” Voting is still open, and Dick’s says they’re “scrubbing the numbers” now.

26 Replies to "Update: Dick's Drive-In in West Seattle?"

  • Bob Loblaw September 1, 2010 (6:26 pm)

    One thing is for sure: Dick’s is getting great free publicity out of this!

  • westseattledood September 1, 2010 (6:26 pm)

    I just saw a Tweet from mortgageporter saying the Dick’s people said the sight had been hacked! Holy Hamburger!

  • westseattledood September 1, 2010 (6:28 pm)

    Here’s the link referenced in previous post:


  • Baba September 1, 2010 (6:37 pm)

    There is nothing better then a hacker with the great sense of humor. I wanted to post the same reply all along…
    150 comments about this artery clogger? Who cares? There is nothing but a provocative name behind this joint.

  • tr September 1, 2010 (6:38 pm)

    North Seattle already has one in North Seattle – in Lake City.

  • Bob Hellbringer September 1, 2010 (7:05 pm)

    Blech. O-Ver-Ra-Ted! I’d prefer a Red Mill or at least Kidd Valley.

  • Dana September 1, 2010 (7:29 pm)

    Whoa. Hold up. Overated? Just a provocative name? First of all, if you are looking for fast, cheap, nostalgia burgers… You go to dicks. Because they are perfect for some pocket change and they cure a hangover. A dicks burger is comfort food. It is not supposed to be compared to red mill!!

    Plus, they offer scholarships, childcare, full medical benefits….dicks is more than a provocitive name!

    Come on West Seattle!

  • Wednesday September 1, 2010 (7:42 pm)

    I love Dicks!!! My vote is for West Seattle!!!

  • Carole September 1, 2010 (8:20 pm)

    They already have FIVE north of I-90 … another in the north end is a ripoff….

  • JanS September 1, 2010 (8:46 pm)

    so..because the website vote was hacked, they’re sort of doing a do-over. I just got to vote again…give it a try….

  • marty September 1, 2010 (9:06 pm)

    A do-over? This is starting to sound like a Chris Gregoire election!!

  • flowerpetal September 1, 2010 (9:37 pm)

    Its disappointing that we can’t vote for “no” Dicks in West Seattle.

  • Denis September 1, 2010 (10:04 pm)

    We NEED one here in the West Seattle area. Zippy’s is awesome, but a different category all together. Tradition clearly shows that for Dick’s to succeed it has to be in the city of Seattle! So in the fine tradition of Seattleites, vote early and vote often!!

  • Troy September 2, 2010 (12:19 am)

    Man, I would love to see Dicks go in where Huling Bros. used to be. Couple blocks from the Junction…perfect for the late night burger craving.

  • sun*e September 2, 2010 (12:37 am)

    Well, I tried Zippy’s today and it was a’ight. I actually think Luna Park has ’em all beat – great hamburger, fries, and their milkshakes are like a blast to the past – when they bring you your shake they also bring over the tin cup that has the rest of your shake in it… Bonus! :)

  • JumboJim September 2, 2010 (9:26 am)

    Nostalgia is not a flavor.

  • Deb September 2, 2010 (9:28 am)

    tried to vote off of WSB feed and only received the results no place to vote what’s with that?

  • christopherboffoli September 2, 2010 (10:19 am)

    I just double checked the link and it is working for me. Maybe try again?

  • bsmomma September 2, 2010 (11:31 am)

    I’m so torn on this! It would be great for people who need jobs. Heck, with all there beni’s I might work there! BUT it would bring in so many more people more often. That is a good thing and a bad thing. Good for the local business’ but I like my smallish town that’s typically not to crowded. I think the South end needs some love! I personally am not a burger conisure, but I do consider myself a “good onion ring” fan so Zippy’s it is for me! One last thought…….Dicks has been said to be “Iconic”. I feel that there locations are part of that. It’d be like adding a new Salty’s in Southcenter. Why try to have too much a good thing? I say let it be!

  • bsmomma September 2, 2010 (12:30 pm)

    I typed how I thought it was spelled in my Outlook and spell checked it. I apologize from the bottom of my heart if I ruined your day because of that. I’ll forward your complaint on to Microsoft. Thanks.

  • Born To Be Mild September 2, 2010 (12:43 pm)

    I’m hoping the new location is in the Triangle. And I love Dick’s milkshakes. It sure is fun composing comments about Dick’s. I won’t post any of mine because THAT’S NOT FUNNY!

  • Amy September 2, 2010 (1:03 pm)

    this reminds me of that old Sir-Mix-A-Lot song.

    “They said go back the other way we’ll stop and eat at Dick’s
    Dick’s is the place were the cool hang out
    The swass like to play and the rich flaunt clout
    Posse to the burger stand so big we walk in twos
    Were gettin dirty looks from those other sucka crews”

    My posse’s on Broadway

  • Rod September 2, 2010 (6:22 pm)

    Seems to be a lot of Dicks haters in WS, judging from comments on the other thread. Too bad, looks like north will get another one and we’ll be stuck with zilch for quick late-night burger options. This ain’t the WS I grew up in, that’s for sure.

  • Westside J. September 3, 2010 (1:22 am)

    You’re rad Amy!!

  • HT September 3, 2010 (10:18 pm)

    I’ve had a burger from Dick’s, and it was just like McDonald’s, only more expensive. And the fries weren’t as good. So save it for the fashionistas.

    Now, if In-N-Out (LA chain, I’ve eaten there on business trips) were to think about franchising up here…that would be something to get worked up about.

  • mike September 8, 2010 (6:15 pm)

    Wing dome, trader joes…now the possibility of dicks? West Seattle is getting better every year.

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