Update on next month’s West Seattle Preschool Fair

Last month, we brought you early word of the West Seattle Preschool Fair that’s in the works for next month. More details are firmed up now: 12 programs are registered to participate in the event, and they have room for a few more (e-mail jenelle.forde@soundchildcare.org). The location is now set: 5:30-8:30 pm February 22, St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church (3050 California SW); in addition to the chance to talk with representatives of participating preschool programs, they’re also offering the Families Read Workshop during the Preschool Fair (6-7:30 pm that night) to help parents gain skills in promoting child literacy – space is limited (child care will be provided) and advance registration is required – same e-mail address as above, or call (206) 518-0261.

2 Replies to "Update on next month's West Seattle Preschool Fair"

  • Z January 20, 2010 (1:16 pm)

    While it’s nice that there is a preschool fair but I have to ask why they would schedule it at the end of February?? Registration begins in January for preschools so it should be held sooner. I am looking for a new preschool but will not be attending this fair bc I plan to register within the next week or two.

  • Jenelle Forde January 21, 2010 (11:21 am)

    Z, it was late last year when the educators of Southwest Early Learning Preschool heard the frustrations of parents and guardians of preschool-aged children in West Seattle, who wished that that they had access to preschool fairs similar to the ones held annually in communities like Ballard and Bellevue. We took action immediately! And though we would have liked to hold the West Seattle Preschool Fair in January, it took time some time to “round-up” educators of communities who were unaccustomed to coming together in this way. We anticipate the event to be a tremendous success and resource to families and early learning educators of West Seattle. This is the season for preschool fairs: one will be held in the Phinney neighborhood next week, and Parent Map will host one in Tacoma, five days after the West Seattle Preschool Fair.

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