New Gatewood Elementary play structure is finally open


Out for a walk tonight, we passed the west edge of the Gatewood Elementary playground along Fauntleroy, saw kids on the new play structure (recent photo above), and wondered if we were late to discover that it was finally unfenced and ready for use. Turns out, not so — moments later, we got e-mail from Steve White, announcing … the construction fence just came down today and the play structure is open! This is the culmination of a long process of planning, fundraising, and volunteer work (remember the goats?); a formal dedication/celebration isn’t expected, Steve says, till after the new school year starts.

1 Reply to "New Gatewood Elementary play structure is finally open"

  • RobertSeattle July 24, 2008 (7:42 am)

    “Amusing” that they kept the backstop fencing up.

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