Comments on: MONDAY: Hiawatha closure, Lincoln Park play area, pickleball updates, more promised at Seattle Parks online meeting West Seattle news, 24/7 Tue, 28 Nov 2023 08:42:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: WS Res Tue, 28 Nov 2023 08:42:18 +0000 In reply to KTL.

People in favor of the project are just as capable of writing emails and making phone calls as anyone else. 

By: CB Tue, 28 Nov 2023 06:08:00 +0000 In reply to KTL.

All good points. The meeting was not a meeting; it was closed to participants who were not allowed to be seen or heard, while Diaz pushed his agenda for the pb courts. It was truly infuriating, and only made me want to work harder against them.

By: KTL Tue, 28 Nov 2023 03:18:40 +0000 The meeting tonight was very disappointing. They only addressed 3 questions. They have obviously made up their minds to go forward with this project. They discussed how LP is ideal because it’s away from homes so less noise impact for homeowners. They didn’t address noise impact to wildlife nor to those who want to walk or run peacefully through the park.They also said there was great interest in the community for pickleball courts at LP. No receipts though to back that up. Where did they get that data? Was there a survey? I really don’t think so.

By: Either AndOr Mon, 27 Nov 2023 18:02:05 +0000 In reply to Kyle.

No quibble, Kyle. Pragmatism and egalitarianism at they bes’. Another very cost-effective equitable possibility might be to take the map of heretofore tennis courts––   (quite the generous cluster) and, taking any pair in closest proximity, make one tennis and one p**b*. Or adjust that 1/1 ratio in light of number of games per sq ft, so, a 2ct frmr tennis facility becomes however many more p**b*, a 4ct retains the more elegant tradition. Our sporting ‘communities’ (tribes) need not suffer one another, and our theme parks of forest remain (for now) not even more molested. (And this shadowy high-stakes game to protect private property owners at the expense of the public, Nature and The Greater Good can be contained.) Just a thought.

By: WSB Mon, 27 Nov 2023 17:30:52 +0000 UPDATE: I asked Parks first thing this morning about the meeting format (as “breakout rooms” would have meant we needed to assign multiple people to cover the meeting). That idea was scrapped, according to communications manager Rachel Schulkin: “The meeting will be all together, no breakout rooms. We were considering different formats and settled on just one meeting all together so people wouldn’t have to choose what to hear.”

By: Quiz Mon, 27 Nov 2023 17:18:17 +0000 I have little doubt the anti-pickleball-bullies will show up to that meeting and cause a ruckus. 

By: Kyle Mon, 27 Nov 2023 17:04:37 +0000 In reply to Alki resident.

Some tennis and pickleball players. But they’re more concerned about competition for the courts instead of dual striping like every football/soccer field of the past 15 years. Dual striping is a better use of our tax payer dollars. People have the minor inconvenience of looking at other lines and hearing someone play a different sport next to them.

By: Sigh Mon, 27 Nov 2023 15:48:50 +0000 Dear pickleball people: your pet issue is not the only thing the Parks department is working on.  It is not the only issue your neighbors care about (most of us don’t care about it at all).  You are already hogging the floor in terms of the amount of time you expect them to devote to you, from already limited time and resources.  To say they’re not engaging enough is pretty audacious, and galling to everyone else who is continuing to be put on the back burner while discussion of your issue is prioritized over discussions of projects that have been in the works much longer and have a much bigger impact on the community.  

By: Neighbor Mon, 27 Nov 2023 08:21:07 +0000 Is there a reason the pickleball nets at the Alki tennis courts are set up in a way that nobody can play tennis?  Why are they in one side of two courts instead of both sides of one?  Seems inconsiderate.  Really puts me off wanting to play.

By: Out Box Mon, 27 Nov 2023 07:52:38 +0000 In reply to wsEthicist.

Fab fair foresight suggestions! Or, this once posturingly progressive community-minded megalopolis could look to the actually socially effective North, to Chilliwack, B.C.: “The city plans to build an indoor facility and is scheduled to close the outdoor courts… in November.” (‘An’! Ha!) Put the Din In! Forever!

By: Kersti Muul Mon, 27 Nov 2023 06:48:28 +0000 In reply to pausetohold?.

This information was told to me and a few others in our meeting with parks on the 15th. Letting the public know things isn’t a priority for them if you haven’t learned that yet?

By: wsEthicist Mon, 27 Nov 2023 06:34:22 +0000 The former tennis courts in Lincoln Park ought to be restored to natural green space.

The West Seattle Golf Course is relatively underutilized, install the pickle courts there. 

By: Kyle Mon, 27 Nov 2023 04:07:27 +0000 Parks is so comical. I hope the meeting is not overrun with pickleball talk. While important, Parks should answer for the YEARS of delays to playgrounds, community centers, etc. for the West Seattle community.

By: Alki resident Mon, 27 Nov 2023 03:55:23 +0000 In reply to LestWS Forget.

Tennis players and pickle ball players want to be separate. It’s not that far to walk from the parking lot to the existing court at Lincoln Park. 

By: WSB Mon, 27 Nov 2023 03:39:58 +0000 In reply to pausetohold?.

No, they have not made an announcement, nor updated the project page (though if you follow some of the links above you’ll notice some of the pages for other projects involved in the “updates” were updated just before Thanksgiving). If that’s so, I would hope they’ll say it tomorrow night.
