Are we missing an event? Service? Brunch? This page is a work in progress up till the weekend, so please let us know – – thank you!
Note: Location and contact info for local city-run community centers can all be found here

(WSB photo from April 2009 egg hunt at High Point Community Center)
TUESDAY, MARCH 30: Toddler Eggstravaganza at High Point Community Center, activities start at 10 am, egg hunt at 11 am (more in the community centers’ spring brochure)
FRIDAY, APRIL 2: Flashlight egg hunts for tweens/teens (ages 11-15), Hiawatha Community Center at 7:45 pm, Southwest Community Center at 8:30 pm (more in the community centers’ spring brochure)
SATURDAY, APRIL 3: Easter Egg Hunt at West Seattle Thriftway – a spring tradition! 9-10 am
SATURDAY, APRIL 3: Egg hunt at Hiawatha Community Center, 10 am
SATURDAY, APRIL 3: Egg hunt at Alki Community Center, 10 am – with optional pancake breakfast ($4) starting at 8:30 am
SATURDAY, APRIL 3: Egg hunt at Delridge Community Center, 10 am
SATURDAY, APRIL 3: Egg hunt at Hiawatha Community Center, 10 am
SATURDAY, APRIL 3: Egg hunt at High Point Community Center, 10 am
SATURDAY, APRIL 3: Egg hunt at Southwest Community Center, 10 am – with optional pancake breakfast ($4) starting at 8:30 am
SATURDAY, APRIL 3: Eastridge Christian Assembly’s egg hunt at south meadow of Lincoln Park, 11 am
SUNDAY, APRIL 11: Easter Egg Hunt at St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church. Easter is for fifty days! We continue the celebration with an egg hunt for tots and young children. All are welcome, 11:30 am
GOOD FRIDAY – APRIL 2: “A Way of the Cross” Good Friday, 12:00 Noon, April 2
Beginning at the southwest corner of SW Alaska St. and California Ave SW. Members of the various Christian communities in West Seattle and any others who wish are invited to walk to eight “stations” or stopping points. At each “Station” a different person reads a portion of the passion according to Luke, a chant from the ecumenical Taizé community is sung, and silence is kept for prayer. No more than that. Walking the way of the cross on Good Friday is a practice that has its origins in Jerusalem in the early centuries of the Christian church. This custom continues in our own day in Jerusalem itself and throughout the world, both within the walls of churches and out in the streets. It is one of the times when Christians of various traditions, holding differing beliefs and practices, are able to walk together on common ground. In this walk through our West Seattle community the intention is to listen to the Scriptures that we share as Christians, and to sing words taken from them. Through this we remember and reflect on the passion and death of Jesus and what it means for us. For Christians the story of Jesus, the gospel or good news, is the source of life, hope, and peace. It is with this beginning and this end, that we recall with deep grief and remorse the violence and murder directed at Jews, our forebears in faith, especially during the Christian Holy Week. On this day we urge repentance and sorrow for all acts of violence shown to those who differ from us. We walk as a people who live in “polarized” times. We may hold differing world views, but we are people who live with hope. May this time of meeting on common ground lead to meaningful dialogue and mutual regard.
SUNRISE SERVICE AT FOREST LAWN: The 71st Annual Easter Morning Sunrise Service will be on April 4th this year at Forest Lawn Cemetery, 6701 30th Ave. SW (map). The preacher will be Father John Madigan, parish priest at Holy Rosary Catholic Church in West Seattle. This is the first time that a Roman Catholic priest will be preaching at this sunrise service. Come and be a part of this historic event as we celebrate Christ’s victory over death. This service is sponsored by the West Seattle Ministerial Association and hosted by Forest Lawn Cemetery & Funeral Home. Call Pastor Randy Leskovar at 206-925-4487 if you have any questions. Refreshments after the service. 6:30 am
SERVICE ON ALKI BEACH: 7 am – joint service for local UCC churches, on the sand east of the Bathhouse, including Fauntleroy Church (WSB sponsor), whose full Holy Week/Easter schedule is here
SERVICE AT DON ARMENI: Sanctuary is gathering at Don Armeni for a 6:42 am sunrise service
TIBBETTS CHURCH (WSB sponsor): Pancake breakfast 8-9:30 am preceding Easter service with brass, 10 am (Holy Week schedule here)
ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH: 7:00 AM, Easter Vigil; 8:45-10:00 AM, Breakfast; and 10:15 AM, Festival Eucharist. Visit for a full schedule of Holy Week and Easter services.
HOLY ROSARY: Holy Week/Easter schedule here
OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE: Holy Week/Easter schedule here
HOLY FAMILY: Holy Week/Easter schedule here
PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH: Holy Week/Easter schedule here
More West Seattle service listings to come!
3803 Delridge Way
*Brunch 9 am-3 pm
(206) 937-1600 reservations
Information on Easter weekend buffet (7 am-7:30 pm seatings) is here
BRUNCH CRUISE: 12 pm-2 pm
Royal Argosy, Pier 56, Seattle Waterfront (more at
Enjoy Easter Brunch with the family this April on the beautiful Royal Argosy. Guests will have fabulous views of the Seattle skyline during their cruise, a delicious brunch buffet and live music on some decks. Plus a special “kids area” (unsupervised) with arts and crafts, as well as an on-board Easter Egg Hunt for small children! There will also be an Easter bunny for photos. Rate: Adults and Seniors $59pp, Children aged 5-12 $20, Children 4 and under no charge. (Dining Room service charge and applicable taxes additional at time of booking)
FIRST WEST SEATTLE SPOKESPEOPLE BIKE RIDE: Meet at Alki Bike and Board, 2606 California SW, 10 am (and every 1st Sunday) – see the original announcement here
AVALON GLASSWORKS: Blowing glass again this year on Easter Sunday 1-5 pm at Avalon Glassworks.
BIN 41 WINE TASTING: Their invitation: “Swing by Easter Sunday on your way to our local farmers’ market. (We) will be pouring a line-up of Pinot Noir wines from our neighboring vintners in Oregon from 11 am – 2 pm. We will be serving a small nibbler as a perfect pairing to Pinot from a regular market vendor, Loki Fish Company.”
Are we missing an event? Service? Brunch? This page is a work in progress up till the weekend, so please let us know – – thank you!