West Seattle, Washington
14 Saturday
Hi, I found a deceased tabby on the corner of Henderson and 30th Ave SW, this morning (08.03.2024). The cat is badly mangled and I’ve tried to find a vet to scan but no luck today. I’ve moved the body to my property close by so that predators and children leave it alone. Brownish Tabby with stripes. I’m so sorry.
(Update from finder: “Last update: I found a vet to scan (Urban Animal in White Center) kitty tonight after work and there’s no chip. I’m going to bury kitty in my garden and that’s that. For everyone who contacted me; I sincerely hope you find your missing cats or they come back home! )
There are 2 Tabby looking missing cats on this page. If the fur is their color you might want to reach out to them. I have a missing cat (Crystal) on this page. I would definitely want to know vs not know. Thanks to all in the community who care and reach out. MJ
Thank you for caring for this poor cat and trying to get closure for those who might be searching.
Hi, Was there a collar? Did this cat have a kinked tail? I am looking for my cat Camille, Siamese-bengal, tabby looking.
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