Fauntleroy Fall Festival: Pumpkins! Ponies! Ballet! – and more

October 19, 2008 8:42 pm
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Who says pumpkins have to be orange? Those creations were made by kids attending the Fauntleroy Community Association-presented Fauntleroy Fall Festival this afternoon – which enjoyed a terrific turnout by all accounts, with lots of other activities spread across three venues, Fauntleroy Church and YMCA (both WSB sponsors) and the schoolhouse; volunteers helped get people safely back and forth across the street:


Behind the schoolhouse – pony rides:

More scenes from the Fauntleroy Fall Festival, including a video clip from the Seattle Civic Concert Dancers‘ mini-performance of their fall ballet “Magical Doll Maker,” just ahead:Read More

Morgan Junction park updates: Timeline, sidewalk art

October 19, 2008 4:54 pm
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(spring 2008 site photo, before new BPP was complete)
Two major updates on the Morgan Junction park site immediately north of the new Beveridge Place Pub location — the latest timeline, and an art project proposed for the sidewalk at the site. The updates came from Parks Department and Transportation Department reps who appeared at last week’s Morgan Community Association meeting – read on for the details:Read More

Traffic alert: Alaskan Way Viaduct reopens, hours ahead of schedule

Just got word from WSDOT that the Alaskan Way Viaduct has reopened – 5 hours earlier than it was expected to reopen after its weekend inspection (results due in a few days).

“Living With Wildlife”: Tuesday night – get the facts at Camp Long


(April 2008 coyote sighting across the street from WSB HQ in Upper Fauntleroy)
For months, we have catalogued “reader reports” of coyote sightings (archives here) only because they were so numerous – and so many people were unsure whether to be frightened, fascinated, both, or something inbetween. The questions are always many, the answers aren’t always easy to find in one place. And of course, coyotes aren’t the only wild animals who share our neighborhoods:


(August 2008 photo shared by Jenny, taken near Lincoln Park)
Raccoons also tend to inspire endless discussions – are they a nuisance, a blessing, what do you do if they’re fouling your yard, what do you do if they’re in your attic … Anyway, to the point: We wanted to remind you today that this Tuesday night, you have a great chance to get your questions answered, myths debunked, etc., when experts from various government agencies and nonprofit advocacy groups host a Living With Wildlife presentation in the Camp Long Lodge. Over the past year, they’ve been held from time to time in various spots around the city — we covered one in Magnolia in February (see our report here) because it happened at a time when wildlife questions were running rampant here – but this is the first one this year in West Seattle. Absolutely free, definitely worth your time. 7 pm, Camp Long Lodge (turn at the sign on 35th – here’s a map; the wonderful old lodge is the first building you see, and there’s lots of parking off to the right).

West Seattle gardeners: Want to show off – next year?

October 19, 2008 11:02 am
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That Gatewood garden was one of the stops on this summer’s West Seattle Garden Tour. Think your garden will be a great stop for the tour next year? Not too late to let the WSGT Selection Committee know – Nancy Evans says the committee is still reviewing 2009 possibilities and would like to hear from interested gardeners ASAP: E-mail nancyellenevans@comcast.net with information on how they can contact you. (If you missed this year’s tour, WSGT pictures and descriptions are here.)

West Seattle Crime Watch: Burglary, via the cat door

Out of the WSB inbox, from Melissa:

We just wanted to alert our neighbors that we had our house broken into on Thursday 10/16 during the day. We live around Thistle and 17th Ave SW in Highland Park (map). They came in through the cat door and stole small items. The next day, there was also some odd behavior when a white mini-van with 2 guys in it lurked in front of our house. They stared at the house for awhile and then came up to the front door and knocked. I did not answer the door but made a police report of suspicious behavior. I just want everyone to be aware, alert and to look out for each other!

We asked Melissa a followup question about the cat-door method of entry – she said the burglar(s) reached through it to unlock the main door, either by hand, or with a tool. SUNDAY AFTERNOON ADDENDUM: A few hours after we published this, Gretchen e-mailed the following:

I just read about the cat door burglary. The author mentioned a white minivan with two guys driving slowly in the neighborhood. I was putting my daughter in the car the other day and a white minivan with two guys stopped to ask me if there were any rentals in the area. He said, “I’m looking to rent in the area.” I was distracted and said, sure, look for the signs. He asked me to clarify which blocks. I told him to drive around. They went on but I got a weird feeling. I was thinking they were into real estate since we have had real estate investors roam door to door in the past. These guys were young though, maybe late 20’s. Anyway, after reading the other note, I thought it was worth mentioning. I live on 30th between Webster and
Othello (map).

Happening today: Farmers’ Market, Fauntleroy Fall Festival, more

October 19, 2008 6:07 am
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FARMERS’ MARKET: Goat chops and “fried chicken” wild mushrooms – just two of the items on the long list of what’s fresh at West Seattle Farmers’ Market today (10 am-2 pm, 44th/Alaska) – see the list here.

FAUNTLEROY FALL FESTIVAL: One of the biggest events of the year, in the neighborhood that’s got a lot more going on than a ferry dock and megapark. As the FFF page on fauntleroy.net puts it, “free activities, cheap eats, and beautiful fall weather – guaranteed!” Pony rides and a dance performance are among the activities. It’s all happening in three close-together venues – Fauntleroy Church and YMCA (WSB sponsors) and the schoolhouse across the street. 2-6 pm; here’s a map.

That’s not all that’s going on today – more West Seattle events (including the AfterGlow shopping extravaganza and West Side Presbyterian‘s open house), in the Weekend Lineup.

West Seattle weekend scenes: Trails kickoff, WCFB fundraiser

October 18, 2008 11:56 pm
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Saturday morning at Camp Long, Chas Redmond (right) led the kickoff event for the West Seattle Wayfinding and Kiosk Development program. There’s no denying West Seattle is a great place to walk; the goal of this program – which has received a $100,000 matching-funds city grant — is to make it better, with kiosks and signs to help guide the way. Exactly where they should go — that’s part of the job that starts now; attendees focused in on the south side of western WS, perhaps Fauntleroy. Another meeting is expected in November, no date set up, but even if you couldn’t make it to Saturday’s kickoff, you can still jump in to help; e-mail Chas at credmond@mac.com. Speaking of helping – that’s what hundreds of people did by showing up at South Seattle Community College‘s Brockey Center for the White Center Food Bank‘s annual Harvest Dinner and Auction, with donated auction items like these:



Fundraisers like this have never been more important — just a few weeks ago, WCFB executive director Rick Jump told us the number of people served this September was up 50% from a year earlier. If you couldn’t make it to the event, you can still help the White Center Food Bank — which also serves part of West Seattle — by donating online here. (The West Seattle Food Bank accepts online donations too – start here.)

From the “in case you were wondering” department

Those spotlights in front of the Admiral Theater tonight were NOT for the West Seattle debut of the Seattle Lesbian and Gay Film Festival (WSB sponsor) — screenings are under way elsewhere in the city right now but the Admiral showings aren’t till next Friday and Saturday (schedule here; watch for WSB ticket giveaways starting Monday). Tonight, the Admiral was closed to the public, rented out for a private event, spotlights and all. As for PUBLIC special events coming up – three weeks till the Frances Farmer’s Revenge extravaganza (here’s the official site).

3 site notes: Crime Watch and Holidays on WSB, updates on WCN

October 18, 2008 9:18 pm
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 |   Crime | Holidays | West Seattle online | White Center

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH ADDITION: You may have heard that Seattle Police have launched a website with short summaries of major crime incidents around the city, SPD Blotter. They have made RSS feeds available, separated by precinct, so we have added the Southwest Precinct feed from SPD Blotter to the WSB Crime Watch page (automated links, similar to the format you’ll find on our Blogs and More pages).

punkin.jpgHOLIDAYS PAGE UPDATES: Thanks to everyone who’s sent word of more West Seattle Halloween events since we announced the WSB Holidays page, which starts with Halloween happenings (lots next Fri-Sat-Sun plus of course Halloween night itself) and continues through the winter holidays. If you’re planning something to which West Seattleites are welcome, please e-mail us the who/what/when/where, editor@westseattleblog.com, any time.

whitecentericon.jpgFROM PARTNER SITE WHITE CENTER NOW: After two and a half months, White Center Now continues to update White Center news and information seven days a week, with multiple updates most days – like today: Here’s news of a new men’s salon coming to White Center; and here you’ll find new photos from the ongoing pier-removal work at Hicks Lake (now there’s a MASSIVE crane on the job).

Election ’08: Sound Transit Proposition 1 – are you undecided?

As mentioned earlier, one of the doorbelling campaigns under way today in West Seattle, checkbox.jpgas by-mail voting gets into full swing, is for Sound Transit Proposition 1 (aka “Mass Transit Now!”). This one may be a tough decision for West Seattleites, as it’s mostly about projects in other parts of the region (with some money for studying West Seattle). We have the full text, plus the pro and con websites, linked from the WSB Election page, but if you would rather talk about it in person – here’s the perfect chance: Monday night’s Sustainable West Seattle meeting, 7 pm at Camp Long; Andy Silber from SWS’ transportation team says speakers will be there “representing both the pro and con positions.” Meantime, we recently asked pro-Prop 1 spokesperson Alex Fryer what supporters would say to West Seattleites who are asking “why should I support it – what’s in it for me?” The answer, ahead (and then we’d love to hear what YOU think):Read More

Featured @ Fauntleroy Fall Festival tomorrow: Civic Dancers

October 18, 2008 4:41 pm
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fauntsign.jpgAs mentioned in the West Seattle Weekend Lineup (and elsewhere), the Fauntleroy Fall Festival is tomorrow – with activities spread out among the Fauntleroy Church and YMCA (both WSB sponsors) and schoolhouse for four jampacked hours, 2-6 pm. Among the entertainers: Seattle Civic Dance Theatre, which is presenting a series of miniperformances of its ballet “The Magical Doll Maker,” starting with one during the Fall Festival, 4:30 pm tomorrow in the church Fellowship Hall. (The full “Magical Doll Maker” performance is set for December 21st at Highline Performing Arts Center; more info at civicdancers.org or 206/938-3062.)

Log House Museum search: Celebrate the past by guiding its future

October 18, 2008 2:29 pm
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Just about every time we talk here about West Seattle’s growth and current/future changes, somebody voices worries about losing our sense of history. There’s something you can do right now to help make sure local history’s not lost: Get involved with the Log House Museum and its parent organization, which work to celebrate, caretake, and even unearth it. Here’s the scoop from Judy Bentley:

Are you new to Seattle and curious about its past? Are you a native who would like to brush up on local history? Are you interested in serving an organization that needs your financial, fundraising, community organizing and management skills?

The Southwest Seattle Historical Society, which operates The Log House Museum on Alki, is looking for volunteers, committee members, and board members. Participation in our board will be challenging and rewarding, stretching your skills and abilities. You will also gain experience in the meaningful work of preserving the history of Southwest Seattle, making new friends in the community and the pride of knowing you’ve contributed to a vital organization.

Board member terms are for three years, beginning in 2009. Volunteer and committee work begins at any time. If you are up for the fun and challenge, please send a letter of interest.

The postal-mail and e-mail addresses for the Log House Museum can be found on this page of its website. Also note two big events coming up, and there’s time for you to be part of them: The annual membership meeting of the Southwest Seattle Historical Society is coming up at 10 am November 15th at Youngstown Arts Center – join now and you can join in that important event; a week later, it’s the Anniversary Gala Dinner and Silent Auction, 5 pm November 22 at South Seattle Community College‘s Brockey Center (more info here).

Viaduct may be closed even when lights are NOT flashing …

October 18, 2008 12:33 pm
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 |   Alaskan Way Viaduct | Transportation | West Seattle news

notflashing.jpgThanks to those who have e-mailed to point out that though the Alaskan Way Viaduct has been closed since 6 am and is scheduled to remain closed till 6 tomorrow night, the warning signs are NOT flashing, at least as of a short time ago. We spotchecked Admiral, Fauntleroy, and 35th (photo at left shows the sign next to West Seattle Stadium, around 12:15 pm) – all out. We’ll be checking with SDOT to see what the problem is. P.S. Just got a call from Scott C, who says traffic on The Bridge, eastbound, is running at a snail’s pace right now. 4:15 PM UPDATE: The lights are on now.

Election ’08: Senators Murray and Cantwell rally Dem doorbellers

October 18, 2008 11:40 am
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Just back from The Hall at Fauntleroy, where U.S. Senators Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell headlined a pep rally before hundreds of Democrats hit the streets of West Seattle, White Center, and beyond in a weekend blitz of Get-Out-The-Vote (GOTV) doorbelling. (That first clip shows the end of the rally, with Sen. Murray offering a few last words, then inviting two local D’s — State Sen. Joe McDermott and County Councilmember Dow Constantine – up to the stage; McDermott is on the ballot but, like the two other 34th District state legislators, running unopposed.) Local Republicans were fanning out from Westwood Village at about the same time, and supporters of Sound Transit Proposition 1 are also on the street (came home to find one of their doorhangers). This weekend is considered crucial because many people who vote by mail have just received their ballots and will be voting long before the official Election Day on Nov. 4. ADDED SATURDAY AFTERNOON: More from this morning’s rally — and why it wasn’t just about the presidential race:Read More

New speed-fighting sign now in action at 35th/Willow


Thanks to Kim Dinsmoor for the tip that this radar-equipped speed-warning sign is now up and running on northbound 35th at Willow (map). As we reported earlier this week, a recent crackdown there netted dozens of violators; as you can see from our Friday afternoon photo, some are still whizzing by (we actually saw somebody at 55 while we were staked out by the sign for a while; it picks up your speed about a block south of the sign itself). The sign is among the safety improvements promised by the city in the handout that SDOT distributed before and during the rally at 35th/Juneau earlier this month; another one is promised for SB 35th by Camp Long before month’s end.

Another homecoming game: Seattle Lutheran, today!

Last night, West Seattle High School celebrated homecoming with a win – today, it’s homecoming for Seattle Lutheran High School at West Seattle Stadium. We have a multi-part Saints sports update courtesy of Bil Hood:

Today’s Seattle Lutheran High Homecoming football game will be webcast at www.bsports.org. Click on “Channel 2” to hear the Saints take on NaSalle at 1 pm.

In addition to the announcement of the Homecoming court, the game will also feature the Junior Saints Cheer Squad. The 15 members of this squad attended last summer’s Saints Cheer Camp for Grade Schoolers; this will be their big public debut.
Congratulations to Kyle Hay, WIAA/Seattle Times state athletes of the week

Class 2B
Kyle Hay, Seattle Lutheran football: Hay accounted for five touchdowns against Chief Leschi. He ran for 62 yards and three scores, passed for 138 yards and a touchdown and returned an interception 51 yards for a
The SLHS Soccer team and Coach Norton will be on TV today on KING 5 at 10 am. Then replayed again Saturday at 5 pm on Northwest Cable News. Then replayed again Sunday at 11:30 am on KONG 6/16.

If you’ve got school news – sports OR otherwise – let us know so we can share the news with your West Seattle neighbors! E-mail items short or long, any time. SATURDAY NIGHT UPDATE: Congratulations to the Saints – they beat Naselle 22-19.

Details: West Seattle Wildcats’ homecoming win

That video shows the West Seattle High School Wildcats busting through a banner to take the field at the start of the second half of Friday night’s homecoming game against Rainier Beach at Southwest Athletic Complex. WSB co-publisher Patrick has sports-reporting experience in his arsenal and was down at SWAC live-tweeting the big game; now that it’s in the books, he’s written up a full report (including a video interview with WSHS’s coach), which you’ll find just ahead:Read More

Award-winning Southwest Precinct police honored tonight

October 17, 2008 11:56 pm
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Not long before tonight’s High Point stabbing, we happened to have been downtown in a big room with hundreds of police officers — all the way up to Chief Gil Kerlikowske. The occasion: The annual Seattle Police Foundation awards banquet, and SPD invited us (among others – we found ourselves sitting next to Casey McNerthney, a major contributor to the P-I‘s “911” blog). Glad we were there so we could report back about some of the West Seattle-linked winners — like the ones from multiple precincts, shown above (via cameraphone) as they accepted their awards, collectively as the “West Seattle Bank Robbery Response,” for their work during the wild crosstown incident July 1st that started with a robbery at the Admiral Wells Fargo and continued to a downtown standoff which ended with the shooting of a suspect (who survived). Read on for the names of those honored for this effort, and other West Seattle-linked honorees tonight:Read More

Update: Woman stabbed in High Point apartment building

(video added 11:58 pm)
ORIGINAL POST: We’re en route to check it out – 6300 block of 34th SW. More shortly. 10:54 PM UPDATE: About eight police vehicles, multiple medics – this is in the Seattle Housing Authority building on 34th just north of Morgan. No info yet on what happened or who’s hurt – our crew’s seeing one person being wheeled away. 11:02 PM UPDATE: Sgt. Sweetland at the scene tells us they’re searching for a suspect, who’s believed to have known the victim. Injuries not likely to be life-threatening. Only information we have about the victim is gender: female. 11:15 PM UPDATE: Police confirm it was a stabbing, not a shooting, but reiterate it wasn’t life-threatening wounds and that they “know exactly who they are looking for.” Most of the police/fire crews have left the scene, and as of a few minutes ago, it was our crew and Channel 4 hanging around in case more info emerges. SATURDAY UPDATE: SPD Blotter describes the victim’s injuries as “cuts to her neck and arm” and notes the suspect still is on the loose.

West Seattle High School: Still undefeated

Homecoming game’s over — West Seattle pulled out a 20 to 16 win over Rainier Beach on a very soggy Friday night at Southwest Athletic Complex. Story to follow soon (we tweeted key plays as they happened — see the archive at twitter.com/westseattleblog). Next Friday night, it’s the “Huling Bowl,” West Seattle vs. Chief Sealth (which is 0-5 after losing to Franklin 27-12 tonight).

West Seattle scenes: WSHS homecoming rally


That bright new banner paying tribute to West Seattle High School‘s past, present, and future, now hangs in the school gym, scene of today’s pre-homecoming rally, featuring free food!


Signs of spirit were visible in the parking lot too:


West Seattle HS — undefeated! — takes on Rainier Beach at Southwest Athletic Complex at 7 pm; WSB will be there to cover the game (including updates via Twitter – check out twitter.com/westseattleblog), second-to-last regularly scheduled game of the year. (Tomorrow, by the way, is Seattle Lutheran‘s homecoming game – more on that later tonight!)

West Seattle scenes: Lafayette Walk-A-Thon


Thanks to Luckie for that photo from an Admiral District tradition – today’s edition of Lafayette Elementary‘s annual fundraising Walk-A-Thon – she also sent us this photo of new 4th-grade teacher Greg Schroeder and his daughter:


We dropped by the Walk-A-Thon during what turned out to be a bit of a lunchtime lull, but we did catch up with Todd Crooks, longtime Walk-A-Thon emcee, who did it today for the last time — the last Lafayette student in his family is in 5th grade this year (Crooks himself is a Lafayette alum):


Lafayette mustered a huge list of sponsors for the Walk-A-Thon – check out the back of the T-shirt:


Congratulations, Leopards!