Why does the Mayor of Boston oppose Chick-fil-A but not the Catholic Church?

Home Forums Politics Why does the Mayor of Boston oppose Chick-fil-A but not the Catholic Church?

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    JoB – #99

    #1 so does the sanctity of life only apply to unborn children?

    I think you are asking a question of personal opinion. In my opinion, the sanctity of (human) life applies to all human beings – young, old, poor, rich, sick, and healthy.

    #2 because those services you are willing to sacrifice for the benefit of the unborn keep living women alive.

    When you say “you are willing to sacrifice” I’m not sure I understand. At what point did I say I wanted to end any services that PP provides? I did attempt to answer your question about why some people oppose PP. But at no point (that I recall) did I state my personal opinions on PP’s services. My original post on this topic was to clarify a very substantial (and I believe unintentional) statement a poster made. One of the posters stated (incorrectly) that PP clinics did not provide abortion services. Some, but not all, PP clinics do provide abortions.

    #3 this is the biggest problem i have with the right to life movement…

    for them the right to life begins at conception and ends at birth.

    I am sorry you have had this experience. And I believe there is some validity to your observation. In my opinion, right to life is a concept that encompasses the entire experience of our life – including protection of the vulnerable, access to education, support of the community, quality medical care, employment opportunities, I could go on and on but I have to get back to work. Some, but admittedly not all, “pro-life” folks share these beliefs.



    yes, that was me> I didn’t say that they don’t provide abortion services…I meant to say that they don’t always provide those services on site. Sometimes it is farmed out to other clinics, depending on where they are located. I will take responsibility for that error.




    i apologize if i reacted to you as though you held the opinions you stated…

    i try to be careful with my pronouns but as you may have guessed i am more than a little passionate about this subject.

    i got carried away.



    No problem JoB. I enjoy the contributions you make to this forum.



    thanks skeeter


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