US Tabacco-Free by 2043

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    Imagine, it is possible.

    Grassroots movement, 18 years of runway to make it happen.

    Tabacco-Free by 2043



    Might have had more impact if I’d spelled “Tobacco” correctly, duh.

    Tobacco Free by 2043



    Or we can let adults make decisions for themselves.



    I quit smoking cigarettes few months ago. Smoked 4 20 years. Horrible for our health. Doesnt mean i think others shouldnt b able to enjoy them if they feel like it and can read the warnings on the package. Why are you all for taking away one of the few vices we are allowed to have



    As a 19yo Marine stationed in southern CA I met a young woman, Beth, who I was VERY interested in getting to know better. On our first date we were walking along the Huntington Beach pier when I reached into my pocket, removed a cigarette and put it into my mouth. Just as I was starting to light it, she moved away from me a bit and made a face that told me she didn’t like it. So, I put the cigarette back into the pack and threw the whole thing into the next garbage can we came upon. This occurred in 1979, and with one exception on a night months later that I drank too much, I never smoked again. Beth and I have been close friends ever since and I am eternally grateful for her influence on my decision to reconsider my use of those “cancer sticks”!



    Not suggesting that any thing or pleasure be taken away from anybody. I’m suggesting that 18 years from now, if the American people believe we’d be a better nation without tobacco, that we could do it.

    And “Seriously?” – I’d bet that you won’t be smoking cigarettes in 18 years.

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