reflections on the out of doors by DB Thoreau

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    A friend of mine rang up the other day. She wanted to give me a “reality check” as the youngsters call it.

    I notice you’ve been rather hostile lately, said she. And I didn’t contradict her, for deep down, I knew she was right.

    Mm. Yes. Dash it all . . . I have been rather truculent lately, said I, stroking the place where my chin should have been.

    And that’s not doing me a spot of good, is it? No!

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    The weather being excellent, I resolved to follow the advice of some my colleagues on the Interblogz and take myself a little stroll. “Walk it off” as they say.

    Upon venturing out into the sunlight and fresh air, I could see that the cure was going to be a success, that the patient would live! After just a mile, I noticed that I was already feeling a little bit better. After another mile I felt better still.

    Huzzah! thought I. This is most excellent. Why don’t I just soldier on with this until I either feel completely calm, or until the legs give out?

    So on I walked! And as I did so, I took in the scenery and reflected deeply upon everything I saw.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Well here I am, back at the old computer, back in the game, as they say. And I am happy to report to you that now, today, not only am I free from the troubles that had been vexing me, but I have an observation from my walk, and I thought I would share it with all of you.



    Portland is a lovely city this time of year! Simply lovely.




    For Joanne Brayden



    why yes DBP… Portland is a lovely city this time of year.

    it’s a wonderful time of year to visit both the Chinese Garden downtown and the Japanese Garden up on the hill..

    i am thinking Seattle isn’t so bad today either…

    my yard shows plenty of promise of spring



    Women are scrumptious, did you know that? Every last one of them.

    There. I’ve said it. Bleep me if you must.

    I shall say it again.

    Women are scrumptious!

    . . . and never more so than when they are dancing alone – in their dreams or otherwise

    Or at work i’ the earth

    Digging gardens

    Fixing up little boxes of flowers

    Tucking primroses in at lawn’s edge

    If I should rove out of a spring morning and spy one of these creatures ahead by the path, I slow my pace and begin savoring moments, for I know that when I pass by she’ll look up at me from beneath the rim of that quaint chapeau du jardin, bangs askew perhaps, a few crumbs of soil speckling her cheek . . .

    and she’ll smile at me


    and then I’ll smile back and address her in my stride

    and though it’s my eyes alone that speak, the words will be as unmistakable and pleasing as any that were ever spoke aloud, to her or any of her kind

    and they will say, in just the time takes to hear

    Thou art the loveliest woman on God’s earth.

    Truth be told, the loveliest who has ever been upon it.

    The only one who has been upon it. The only other of our kind, yours and mine.


    And you will never be


    than you are














    “Eve” by Lucien Levy-Dhurmer, 1896

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