Rant gas company patching 35th

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    I fr one am sick and tired or companies who tear up the streets than when they patch them they are worse than when they had the big steel plates in place. thistle to roxbury on 35th is horrible going south bound



    Word! I nearly popped a tire & lost a filling yesterday.



    One issue to be addressed in this regard, is an issue many other cities have dealt with just as poorly as seattle.

    There is a right way to patch a hole in a street and there are several dozen wrong ways.

    If the debris and loose roadbed material is not compacted, fill material also compacted and the edge sealed on the asphalt patch, we get the kind of potholes from hell the gas and water dept city employees and contractors are currently leaving around the city.



    The patches on 35 SW are temporary. There will eventually be concrete patches since concrete is what the rest of that section of the street is.

    Call the City to complain. If the City gets enough complaints, the contractor will probably be required to improve the temporary patches.



    Also PSE is accountable for this as the company for whom the work is being done. Someone wrote me about this over the weekend, I pointed them to PSE for starters, and they said the same thing as the previous post – temporary patches.



    Temporary patches on road projects can be there for quite a while (sometimes months). A regular asphalt patch that lasts in a high-traffic concrete roadway is an arcane art. The patch usually has to be improved or even redone when it deteriorates.

    If the patch is done with cold-mix asphalt, then the patch has to be improved daily. Sometimes cold-mix asphalt is used on an emergency basis.

    Steel sheets combined with cold-mix asphalt at the edges of the steel sheets are used if access to below-ground utilities at those spots is needed daily or intermittently.

    I have not driven on 35 SW recently, so dunno if the patches are cold-mix or regular asphalt, but I would expect the patches to be regular asphalt since after the steel sheets are removed, cold-mix patches there would not hold up well even with daily improvement because of the amount of traffic, including Metro buses.

    No matter what type of material is used for the patches, the City will require improvement if the patches are inadequate. Complaints to the City will hasten improvements.



    I couldn’t agree more on one of the worst patch jobs I’ve seen in a long time. It would be one thing hitting the steel plates that feel 6″ higher than the road, but it’s the multiple potholes throwing your car up and down along 35th.



    Temporary or not, could they make them a little more even?



    Now that I think about it, I am not sure that that section of 35 SW is concrete. It may be asphalt. I have not driven recently on 35 SW, so I was relying on perhaps faulty memory.

    Anyway… I am confident that the City would respond to complaints by requiring the temporary patches to be improved. Complaining on this blog forum alerts those who live here, but complaining to the City gets results.

    I am too lazy to research exactly how to complain about the project. Those complaints would have the best result.

    If nothing else, one could report potholes:


    The worst that could happen is that the Pothole Rangers would show up, realize it is the contractor’s responsibility, report that fact to their supervisor, and the supervisor would fail to get the ball rolling since it is not his responsibility.



    I called PSE (as it is their project) and complained about the patching that they have done along Trenton (since they have jackhammered up concrete in driveways and alleys and replaced it with asphalt) and they said that Pilchuck has 30 days from the completion of the line work to fix the concrete surfaces.

    CALL AND COMPLAIN!!! It is the only way this will all get fixed.




    Complaining to the City of Seattle would probably have better results.

    684-CITY via phone is a starting point.

    “The Customer Service Bureau exists to help you get information, solve problems, or resolve complaints regarding any City of Seattle department. Call 684-CITY (2489), the one-stop phone number for all your City questions.”




    I hate to say it, but the further south you go, the worse City maintenace becomes. Go south of Roxbury and it’s nonexistent; many departments of the City of Seattle don’t even know that Arbor Heights was annexed more than 50 years ago, and will argue with you that you’re in South King County – not Seattle. Some patching was done in this area (poorly, of course) Meanwhile, they left the open water ditches that border 35th Ave SW (i.e., trash receptacles) untouched. It would have been a perfect opportunity to lay pipe and cover these antiquated rat highways. SDOT has told me personally that they will neither maintain nor repair ashphalt streets, only concrete.

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