You: pulling onto 31st in from a side street (High Point neighborhood) in dark minivan, overweight, 30-ish, brown/red hair, wire hanging out of ear. Me: slender, small, 40-ish, ponytail, blue jersey, road bike. You looked right at me and decided to pull out without even slowing at the T intersection. Had I not been being hyper-cautious and riding the brakes, you would have hit me. You were legally obligated to stop.
I’m not the kind of person to flip people off (that’s too trashy for me), and really, you were entirely at fault and exhibiting very stupid behavior. So of course I did not flip you off back, but I do feel you purposely pulled in front of me out of aggression. Whether you are having a bad day or life, or whether seeing me smiling on my bike and clearly enjoying myself was too much for you, or whether you are one of those drivers with an irrational hate of cyclists (aka, “humans”), your aggressive and just stupid act would have changed your life if you had hit me. So smarten up and use your brain if you have one.