Next chance to meet your School Board rep

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    Just received:

    >>Dear parents and guardians, please join school board representative for district VI (West Seattle and South Park), Steve Sundquist, Tuesday, May 26th at 9:00 AM at Uptown Espresso, 4301 SW Edmunds St. located in West Seattle for an informal opportunity to discuss education issues. All people interested in education are welcome.<<



    Last time this meeting was held, people strongly suggested he hold sessions in the evening when working parents could attend. Holding meetings at 9 a.m. would seem to skew the input he’ll get. Wouldn’t hurt to contact him, if you’d like to attend. (I was actually surprised that so many people showed up.)



    I know that he has held meetings on Saturdays as well.



    That’s great, Add–thanks for the info.

    I’m not a parent and I think it’s critical that we all get involved with the schools. I’m a little tired of some folks who don’t have kids in school thinking that they shouldn’t have to pay for schools…and I’ve always thought if more of us knew what was going on, we’d be more supportive. Yeah, I’m a rapidly aging idealist :-)

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