More of a puzzle than a rant: Camo hoodies for children

Home Forums West Seattle Rants & Raves More of a puzzle than a rant: Camo hoodies for children

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    I take the grandson to the bus in the mornings so I get to “interact” with those who walk to school or to bus stops.

    After several close calls, I started to wonder what goes through the minds of those who buy their kids urban camouflage. Is it fashion alone? Is it cheap? Are their parents trying to collect on the life insurance?

    I can tell you that it is not wise since some kids seem to be unable to cross at corners or crosswalks and those with hoods and ear-buds apparently feel looking either way when crossing the street in mid block is unnecessary.

    If your children or grandchildren insist on camo, at least try to find the type that has some of the neon colors or contrast. The current white and gray camo, worn on misty or foggy mornings by those who have never seen a car pedestrian accident, is just asking for trouble.



    I so agree with you Ken! Most every morning we see children as young as 5 yrs old walking alone with gray camo on and it is very difficult to see when driving. We also see alot of children of all ages wearing walk style head phones so they aren’t even aware of the oncoming traffic and an accident is just waiting to happen.

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