Men in the public eye/politics

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    jamminj — nice quotes. I would add that the only reason the media plays it up, partisanship aside, is that we, the citizens, read it. I’ve purposely avoided reading any more than I have to on-line so my ‘clicks’ can’t be added up to justify more such schlock. Not that that does any good …



    Just a few small points of contention with the assertion above that Rep. Wiener’s activities here were “private, consensual, and unquestionably legal”:

    I’ve heard it reported in several places that at least some of the young women that Rep. Wiener sent photos of himself to, were not specifically consenting recipients. Now, it’s easy enough to block or otherwise cut contact with someone on the internet, so it would seem that if these women didn’t do that, perhaps the photos weren’t THAT unwelcome. But, it also seems to me that Rep. Wiener was quite possibly straying into harassment territory with his activities, which undermines the “consensual, and unquestionably legal” point.

    As far as private, well, everyone should know that nothing on the internet is private, and it’s there forever. These may have been so called “private messages” but Wiener himself admits that he wasn’t hacked, so these communications are only as private as the participants are willing to keep them. It sounds like several of the women came forward with their stories, and the “evidence” to back it up, and for better or worse, that’s news, folks.

    Just as big a deal was made about Tiger Woods’ extramarital activities when they came to light, and there were no partisan points to be scored there.

    If Rep. Wiener had manned up and told the truth on day one, the media might already be on to other stories by now.



    Maybe if more investment bankers had last names like Wiener we’d be paying attention to the *real* scandals.



    Maybe if our media outlets weren’t wholly owned propaganda machines for the corporate interests of the companies that own them, then there might be some attention paid to the “real” scandals.

    But, for now it’s bread and circuses.



    I don’t know if I agree that the media outlets are wholly to blame. They provide what’s good for business. If the majority of people respond to Casey Anthony stories and (insert Butthead voice) heh heh…Wieners, that’s what the media will provide. When people hear about government officials meeting in secret with investment bankers to plan the handing over of piles of money, eyes glaze over.


    Genesee Hill

    365Stairs, and all:

    Let us all know when you find the “perfect” person!



    Whatever you want to call it, a tip for the gentlemen: I don’t know any women in my circle of friends who find a photo of the male member to be enticing, inviting, exciting, or seductive. It must be a guy thing. I mean, really.



    To Jiggers – “You sound insecure.” I didnt deserve that (a personal attack) — as you dont know me. Below the belt debating is cause for a foul and you fouled out.



    While women do cheat (men are not always cheating with men), so far I cant name a woman who was first in the public eye who was caught cheating. Lindseay — I agree that cheating in my mind is not limited to sex, but rather can also be an affair of the heart or other emotional liaisons. Spouses come to an agreement about their lifestyles. Some choose to not be exclusive, even in marriage. That is their choice and I am not arguing that society should change that.

    Rather my opposition to what is happening are public individuals being dishonest about their private lives and in many cases overtly lying and covering up their dishonesty. If you are leading an honest life — dont lie about it. This can be as simple as leading their constituents into believing that they are leading a conventional married life. Do you think that Clinton would have gotten elected if he had said he was a swinger? Do you think the Schwarzenegger would have gotten elected if he was a known womenizer? I disagree that we should allow our politicians to be dishonest in one area and “clean” in another. How am I to know which end of the honest-dishonest they are on issues of interest to me?

    Weiner’s wife was not present at his media event, as I suspect that she didnt sign on for a spouse that conducted him in such a manner.

    Quit blaming the media. The media only serves up the gruel that the audience seeks — if you turned off your TV to the media, and others followed, the media would be different. Thats what the public wants. If you dont like US media, try reading/watching the media in other countries (its readily available today on the web both in papers and visual media).

    If we dont expect more of ourselfs and our elected’s — we might as well not bother with liberty and justice for all.



    “I disagree that we should allow our politicians to be dishonest in one area and “clean” in another.”

    I guess my argument is, why are you limiting your morality to only one group of individuals. Take for example the people that are reporting the news… how many of them are engaged in immoral behaviour, yet we ‘believe’ the news they present us???

    And how about big businesses… how many deals are made because CEO’s had indiscretions?? Yet where is the scrutiny??

    I have known couples in loveless sexless non-caring marriages… I think that is just as immoral as well, do we chastise those people as well. Talk about destroying the sanctity of marriage.

    Guess I just don’t understand the need to know about anyone else’s sex life, or lack of when it comes to ones job. Do you ask your doctor before a surgery if you can check his email and twitter account for any indiscretions??? If it matters, why don’t you?



    “Schwarzenegger would have gotten elected if he was a known womenizer?”

    ummm, if you knew anything about Ahhhnorld, this was already widely known.



    “Do you think that Clinton would have gotten elected if he had said he was a swinger?”

    I don’t know how old you are but if you were paying attention during Bill Clinton’s first campaign for prez you’d remember Gennifer Flowers. If not, Google her. Clinton was questioned on 60 Minutes about his extra marital relationships. And, by golly, he was elected- twice.



    Once again, the right painte a bullseye on Weiner and again they scored.

    No matter what foibles gave them the opening, the rest of this is garbage.



    “No matter what foibles gave them the opening, the rest of this is garbage.”


    If Weiner had been reported and charged with sexual harassment.. that would be news.

    .. ok.. public admission.. maybe he was..

    the thing is that I have NOT been follwing this whole Weiner thing ..

    never having found weiner jokes all that enticing…



    owner Mary..

    “While women do cheat (men are not always cheating with men), so far I cant name a woman who was first in the public eye who was caught cheating>”

    do you think that’s because women are smarter?

    or simply more aware that the privilege of power doesn’t extend to the “weaker” sex?


    sorry.. couldn’t resist such a blatant invitation

    old libber that i am :)

    With a name like Weiner, weiner should have been aware that anything involving his male member would be more than fair game.

    but perhaps that member of his constituency just wasn’t thinking? ;->



    JamminJ — You raise an interesting point. What I am differentiating is that elected officials and celebrities choose to live their lives in the public eye. Most others (corp exec’s, bankers, etc) dont. While I believe that anyone that has influence over others should lead an honest life, obviously others dont. What I mean by that is — walk your talk. Do what you say. It seems to me that our world would be much better off if that were the case. Dont lecture me on perfection, as we know no human is perfect.

    Yes, I remember Jennifer Flowers. Because nothing was proven, and Hillary vouched for him, I feel that most women felt that if she was ok with it, then who where they to judge. If in fact that was the case, then dont throw a stone. However, do you think he would have been elected if he had responded to that first qustion about Jennifer by saying — Yes, Hillary and I have an open marriage and we both can have affairs with others as long as it is discrete (assuming that is their deal). Same with Arnold. Doubt that they would have gone very far in politics or their marriages, but they would have been living honestly and not in the closet. Creeping around and hiding what you do is going to get you caught… and that’s what I am reacting to. IF Weiner had not lied so overtly in his 1st press conference, and rather said, what he said in the 2nd and added that his wife was ok with it and was there in his support – case closed, no beef. Thats not what happened and wife is absent.

    JoB — titter…titter. Wish it were so, but know its not.



    Regarding the reference to finding a “perfect” person…nobody is asking for the unattainable..through election processes, we evaluate people who don’t mind being in the public eye 100% of the time to be the best possible representative for us with a sound moral compass – while maintaining their best possible self!

    Elected public officials, representing the people who elected them, should accept or willingly be held to higher standards for their public decisions and public actions, and accept public judgements from the people – until such time as they are not public anymore.

    If they want to make things better for their people, then they should be better people…

    There…”Fantasy Soap Box Island” is now off the air…

    It’s possible the un-traceable telegraph or other forms of secret coded lanuague will make a come back…

    There will probably be much reduced and reserved tweeting, texting, Fbooking coming from our esteemed reps going forward…



    Okay, so now we have Wiener caught in an affair.

    Who’s next?





    as long as it’s nothing that involves both Boehner and Weiner

    yes, I can be 12 yo at times ;-) snicker, snicker…



    OMG, LOL!



    my favorite headline, courtesy of Politico:

    “Boehner Silent On Weiner Scandal”

    maybe we should have a contest …

    “Weiner Frankly Admits to Relishing Sexting, Which is Why He Is In This Pickle.”

    Hopefully, our own (sorta) Norm Dicks isn’t into tweeting … speaking of 12-year-old-humor …




    had no idea there were so many comedians in the crowd



    I remember a crawl back to ship after one of those special nights sailors and Marines enjoy after months at sea. Something about a brawl outside a whorehouse in Siracusi, Italy… The next morning, all the married parties were invited to see the “old man”. The essence of the dressing down was this…. “you men took solemn oaths of fidelity and trust, and swore to uphold that trust with your sacred honor… Whatever “god” you made that oath to, was the same one to which you made your marital vows”  Your fitness reports will reflect my confidence in your honor and the depths of my trust.” … That my fellow WS residents is called honor… too bad so many can’t see the relevance…. Semper fidelis



    I can remember one woman politician who had a sex scandal – US Rep Helen Chenoweth from Idaho. Other than that, can’t think of one.

    I think these scandals at this level happen more often with men because as a general rule, women are attracted to powerful men. Men are not attracted to powerful women.



    And women-wise, I’ve certainly read my share of articles about female teachers, married or otherwise, who’ve munched their share of Little Smokies.

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