Meanders – any updates?

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    I was hoping to get more info on the closing/not closing/etc of Meanders, and since the WSB post doesn’t let me subscribe to comments, maybe those interested could follow along here.

    Personally, I’m a fan of their breakfasts, but I don’t go that often because of the cash-only requirement (and costly cash machine fees if you need to use it). I do hope they can get things together and stay in business, and I hope that the reports of unpaid employees are exaggerated or wrong, but I do also believe there is NO excuse for not paying employees first and foremost.

    I’ll definitely be interested to hear how things shake out.



    I saw a facebook post that said they are open today 9 to 3 and plan to be open friday and this weekend.. then back to regular schedule next thursday



    it looks like Meanders can’t catch a break

    i was told that a sign on the door said they are having mechanical issues

    from their facebook page

    “In addition to all the recent excitement our range and a few other pieces of kitchen equipment have gone on the fritz or flat out broke. But hey, we know a guy, so we can get repairs done this afternoon in time for Sunday brunch”

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