File Suit for All Property and Business Owners in West Seattle north

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    Has anyone posted here considering a suit against the City of Seattle and the Federal Government for damages? I am new to the blog. The only way to make government accountable is to win in court. Economic damages due to bridge failure include massive amounts of time for traffic detours and delays which equate to lost time living and recreating; property value decline.

    Alternatively is there legal ground to dismiss all or a portion of property taxes and get refunds from the US government? Federal dollars went into the highrise bridge, which we all paid for on some level. The situation is a travesty.




    Stupid idea



    Look at Baindbridge Island, anything they want, they will get it because they have good strong attorneys living in that island. We in W.Seattle are the losers.

    I don’t think the bridge will get built till 2030!!and why bother replacing it.

    Make W.Seattle an island of Paradise, rows of palm and coconut trees.
    Less pollution,no traffic and quiet. Make it like Key West,block all the roads leading to W.Seattle.
    There is a reason why God makes the bridge inoperable.



    gxnx: hush. Just hush. It’s time for you to go back to huffing paint.

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