Anyone Have An Large/Extra Large Soft Cone Collar For Dog

Home Forums Freebies, Sales, Trades Anyone Have An Large/Extra Large Soft Cone Collar For Dog

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    We are in search of an extra large soft cone collar for our dog who had surgery yesterday. A large may work, it depends on the brand/type I guess. We are going to purchase one regardless, they are $40 though, and my husband made the comment “I wish they had a consignment shop for dog stuff” that got me to thinking…try the blog! A cone collar might be one of those things you use for a small amount of time but hang on to it. We have the standard gigantic plastic deal but it is just not working for him. His neck is approx. 20″ Thanks!



    Jenilynn, let me check when I get home, we used the soft collar for our younger Golden when he got neutered and it was leaps and bounds better than the plastic. I work until 8pm tonight but I’ll still check and let you know via this post :)



    Thanks so much! He is a pretty big guy, 85 lbs and like I said I believe his neck is about 20 inches. Thank you :)

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