the top 1% are making out like bandits in the current economic downturn… and that increased wealth is NOT translating into job creation.
the threat of higher taxes isn’t stopping them from creating jobs…
they are investing their money in foreclosed properties and devalued stocks and overseas manufacturing…
There was enough wealth creation in the last year in the United States alone.. probably in this state alone… to put a major crimp in the recession if it had been invested here.
If the rich haven’t used their money to create jobs yet.. what makes you think that continuing their absurd tax advantages is going to change that?
if they aren’t investing it here.. what exactly is the rationale for voting down a tax that would invest some of that wealth here?
the newest buzz is that if we continue their tax free ride they will give half of it away.. well.. at least the best of them are going to give some of it away… to world charities focused on developing countries…
doesn’t that just give you the warm fuzzies.. until you realize of course that planned giving is another way to avoid taxes…
it may be a great boon to the world’s misery… and i don’t discount that… but those donations sure won’t do much help the recession here at home… nor will it do much for our deficit… but oh those warm fuzzies …
the myth that tax cuts generate jobs is just that.. a myth sold to us by an actor turned politician..
the trickle down theory hasn’t worked yet.. and it sure isn’t working in one of the greatest periods of prosperity for the top 1 %… so what miracle are you looking for to make it work now?
insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
it could be time to re-examine those old worn out ideas and replace them with something that works.