The Supreme Court decision in “Citizens United” was indeed a let-down. Unfortunately that one’s probably going to be on the books for a while.
To get the money out of politics permanently, we’re going to have to create a new political culture in this country, and for that to happen, Americans will have to get a lot more involved in politics at every level. Although I don’t agree with much of the Tea Partyers’ philosophy, I admire their willingingness to get out on the streets for a cause they believe in.
Many Sundays, I stand in the Junction with a group of like-minded folks holding signs for peace and social justice. Of the hundreds of people who walk by us, the majority seem to share our opinion. However, typically, only one or two ever stop to talk. Another couple will say “Thanks for doing this,” and then hurry past.
At this point, most folks just don’t want to participate in politics on any level other than voting and signing a petition now and then. They apparently view the issue of war as something that doesn’t affect them, and the economy as a problem for either politicians or investors to solve.
Given Americans’ aversion to participatory democracy, I’m afraid things are going to have to get much worse before they get better. Perhaps another full-blown Depression will get people’s attention . . .