Re: What I will do if my candidate DOESN'T win…



Thanks, Bostonman. For the time being, I’ll take what you say on faith. And I’m with you on another thing, too: Let’s leave ethical assumptions out of this for now.

You know, it might be interesting to do a country-by-country study correlating levels of foreign investment to general economic health. Once you had that data you could further correlate economic health to foreign investment by specific investor country. Of course, you’d need to look at trends over time, too, and factor in a lot of other things as well.

I think it’s safe to say that foreign investment can have a negative effect on a nation’s economy and can even keep it from developing as it needs to. See: United Fruit Company and Guatemala, for example. But then there’s the example of Toyota building auto plants here, too. And those plants mean good jobs for American workers.

So I guess it depends.