I assume you mean there are allegations of proClinton and proMcCain bias, but no articles alleging proObama bias in their links? The propaganda page I found has links to biased and untrue articles or statements concerning Democratic candidates.
Please post the URL pointing to the page that has links to pro-candidate bias. Currently, the articles on the main propaganda page are primarily debugging attacks on Clinton by Dick Morris, Chris Matthews and other right-wing tools. And one alleging Pelosi can’t be a good Christian because she called the Dali Lama “His Holiness”.
The internet is not different from other media and interactions. In fact, much of the internet information comes from other media and vice versa. WRT blog postings, it’s fairly easy to see where people are coming from. For example, the Huffington Post has biographies of their regular posters and most are open about their biographies. WRT to general blog postings, I believe very little until I research it.