Re: West Seattle Blog HAPPY HOUR!




we are all in disguise here ;->

I have been a lightening rod for animus since the inception of the forum and still walk the streets of West Seattle in complete safety… though not without a bit of tarnish around the hems of my reputation:(

you wouldn’t think a nice little old lady could generate so much fuss :)))

Kevin and Celeste..

i second the idea of meeting at a restaurant..

though wonder how much quieter a restaurant at a bowling alley will be ?


perhaps you understand the real downfall of forum meet-ups now:) everyone thinks they could build a better mousetrap and holds out for the ultimate event :)

i really will try to show up… tho i am not so sure i will add much to your social circle being in my 60s and sadly past all that drinking and partying stuff…

A bunch of us are going to see Georgie Kunkle tomorrow at 2 at the Admiral Theatre… She was our local version of rosy the riveter and still does stand up…

you are welcome to join us:)