So no info on a meet-up then? :)
It’s not that I have “feelings for Glenn Beck”…I am interested to see what this is all going to be about. I don’t listen to the guy because I believe the guy is pure at heart, without flaws, or somehow an exemplary leader. I listen because, as even JoB says, a lot of what he says sounds so reasonable. Most of the time, I take what he says and go and look it up to see if he’s aggrandizing or exaggerating.
But this meet-up thing…it provides an opportunity to go see if there are other reasonable people out there, too – I see myself as reasonable…no comment please :)
I feel some trepidation about going to one of the viewing parties. I don’t know what I’m going to find there.
I hope to find intelligent, patient, interested, and solution-oriented people from various backgrounds who have joined this experiment in finding the broad common ground before launching into the more passionate arguments of policy debate.
I will be disappointed if JanS and JoB are correct…that I’ll find a bunch of unintelligent kool-aid drinking Glenn Beck worshippers that got hooked by a line of shtick and emotional appeal, who raise a glass to that ol’ failure Comrade Obama, and feel that the best way for our country to thrive is to surrender common sense, decency, and our money to the current incarnation of the Republican party.
I’ll be outright pissed if it’s an advertisement ala “be sure to drink your ovaltine.” Some of you will get that reference…
If it’s all three…well, I guess I saw it coming.
I would love to report on what happens at one…the Shoreline one is now full though. Argh…I should have reserved a spot. Maybe Burien…
HMC Rich- Thanks always for the level-headed counterpoints. Your patience and equanimity is an example for the more fiery of us conservatives. Congrats on your boy’s first sentences, too!
Shadowpilot- I’d volunteer to sit down and discuss my views with you (not that the invitation was extended to me), but my offer is there.
It would be great practice at soaking up others views and considering others’ points of view.