Re: Tonight: W.S. Preaching Pastor Mark on Nightline, ABC – link




There has been much evil done in the world in the name of many things… including but not exclusive to Christianity…

how about capitalism. now there is a cult that is pure fairy tale… and does a lot of harm in the name of good.

you may have difficulty understanding why anyone would choose to believe..

but that still doesn’t make those of us who do responsible for those who pervert religion for their own purposes.

that would make as much sense as me holding you personally responsible for the perversion of capitalism because you buy into the system… or me… because we are not self sustaining either.

i hold the frat boys and sorority girls who were too lazy to get a degree in anything that would interfere with their drinking and settled for a business degree…

they believed anything they are told, didn’t understand what they were doing and were too vain to ask :((((( or maybe i should blame those who manipulated them.. or both.

what a cluster f…

i hold those who have used Christianity as a justification for pursuing their own agenda responsible for their own perfidity…

another cluster f… of gigantic and unfortunately political proportions.