I rest my case. Inflation is the heart and soul of economics. How you live is the financial relationship between what things costs and what you earn. It’s also a trick of sorts, it’s calle monetary policy..it controls every aspect of your financial life and well being. At times, inflation has taken down empires. It is so sorrowful to hear that.. “what does inflation have to do with anything”…. and discouraging.
If you WANT to know.. most liberals prefer to ignore it… it’s inconvenient… but it has actually driven empires to war… and is the root cause of WW! and WW2…. the later being the final quarter of the first.
When Germany couldn’t pay it’s war debts ( this is a famous banana republic trick..) the opposing powers GB and France accused Germany of paying them in worthless currentcy… made worthless by intentional inflation…unfortunately it took a full wheelbarrow of money for the German citizen to buy a loaf of bread… and the rest was the rise of the social democracy movement..
when we can’t pay our debts… we print money too… about 8 trillion in the last 3 years. So each dollar we spend is worth less than the dollar we borrowed. Our creditors get jumpy, your core necessities rise in price, your SS dollars buy less, … “s–t happens all over the place. Add inflation and stagnant wages and it get grimmer still…. things cost more and you don’t make more. Taxes go up up up up… but you still don’t make more. In fact what you do make goes down in value. Sooo the choice is spend your $10 today if you have it,,, cause it will only buy $8 worth of crap tomorrow even though the price tag is now $12