Re: Social Security



i’d like to opt out of subsidizing big oil, big coal, big agribusiness, big insurance, big pharma, and big bombs. and japanese cars.

like jan said, why put it on the backs of the bottom 90%? we’re the ones suffering while big industry ships jobs overseas, dodges their tax burden, and gouges consumers.

if defunding social security is on the table, teabaggers will eventually come running over to the progressive way of thinking in droves.

hooper, the folks who are trying to get you to give up the only guarantee that you will ever have that you won’t live in a cardboard box when you’re old are trying to distract you from the giant pork and subsidies that go to the top 2% and big industry. that includes the biggest scam of all – taxation.

they’re picking you clean, buddy boy. they’re using your own government to do it, too, and they’re convincing you to say, “thank you, sir! may i have another?”

so why are you lobbying against your own self-interest?