hoffanimal: for one thing, we don’t have a budget deficit, and we didn’t have to suffer austerity cuts that other cities have suffered.
metrognome: heh. “tortured logic,” huh? i could say the same thing.
for example, looking at your posts in 3 different threads, i see that
1. seattle should have to pay for a $4 billion state highway replacement with no discussion of that funding or the planning thereof.
2. we can’t tax ourselves to build intra-city rail because it’s too expensive, too hard, and according to you and you alone, there’s not enough demand – despite the fact that buses to and from west seattle are SRO at rush hour.
3. metro is the greatest thing since sliced bread, even though it faces severe budget cuts and gets stuck in the same traffic as cars.
you know, i’m willing to take the bet that bringing down AWV sooner rather than later wouldn’t kill downtown businesses or cause half of the traffic doomsday that DBT supporters predict.
i’m also going to bet that DBT burns through its meager 15% contingency fund pretty quickly and that the state is going to come to seattle with its hand out more than once before this whole thing is finished.
other cities have suffered having major arterials cut and repaired. so will seattle.
if you think i’m being naive, that’s fine. but would you at least please do me the courtesy of discussing balancing the budget for the DBT? because at this point, it’s a giant unfunded mess with a state-mandated cap on tolling.