Re: Sharrows – Why?



JimmyG: I differ. The Mayor wants to proclaim the City as a “Bike Friendly City” when neither the topography, drivers, or city streets are. If bicyclists had their way, there would be curb-separated bike lanes. Nickels doesn’t like that because it costs money (condemnation, and construction)and political will (just like with anything involving dogs, you’ll p.o. someone.)

As a cyclist who rides trails to stay away from unthinking, blind, and cell-talking drivers, the sharrows are a “feel-good” solution–make the cyclists believe they are being catered to, w/o actually incurring the costs (actual and political) to make real bike lanes. The bicyclists pay the price since the car always wins. When I see people struggling up Admiral, in traffic, I always cringe even as I pass in my car. Sharrows (say it in a high falsetto) are a feel-good paint job from the Mayor, and not a concession to the “bully bicycle lobby.” They are a political expediency.