Re: Seattle Police Department



Glad to hear the followup, Schmitz Park Dad. I have also been talking to the precinct re: concerns voiced in a news-section comment thread today about the flyers that go around neighborhoods after burglaries, and have posted some clarifying information. As I’m about to note in a separate item, this is what the WSB Forums and similar discussion venues can do at their best – become collaborative chats that lead to progress.

Graffiti vandalism is the nonviolent crime that boils our blood the most, as it is so visible to so many people, and I’m glad to see so many people willing to do what it takes to fight back and show the vandals there’s just no point, STOP IT NOW. Wonder though if that Schmitz Park wall might be a nice spot for a mural like the one on the Super 24 store …

(I hope that mural’s still in good shape, haven’t driven that way on Delridge in recent days.)

Thanks again to everyone for supporting each other.