Jaydee, Cognitive dissonance – That phrase, I do not think it means what you think it means. ; – )
Why ask? Why, to see what would happen if we radically experimented with crowdsourcing information regarding porcine procurement, of course! In lab tests, using our own best guesses and a Turing machine powered by bacon and pork cracklins just was not working out. So, we expanded the test set! In so doing, we asked here and in a few other forums because, radically enough, we thought other area people might have good recommendations for merry meat mongers. The results: We actually found quite a few places with uncured ham @ around $2/lb, and settled on the Carciniera, which has its own butcher shop and seemed to know its stuff. (Of course, few experiments rarely being able to consider all variables, we never checked WinCo or Cash and Carry, but might next time if they have decent looking butcher areas, are nearby, and produce advantageous sounding results when fed through the Cracklins Turing Machine.) As it turned out, using the radical formula of neighborhood recommendations coupled with calls for details specific to our request produced the desired results. As the great experimenters that we are, we can never say, “why ask?” Rather, in the great search for meat meccas, we must always, at the very least, say, “why not ask?” ; – )