unfortunately.. some of those high school moms are second generation home schooled fundamentalists who don’t hate science so much as cling to orthodoxy…
i think it was Einstein who said that we don’t need to know everything.. we just need to know where to look it up.
It helps a lot with science if you don’t choose to overlook most of the reference material because they might not support your orthodox views…
those who believe the bible is science are the extreme end of the pendulum containing all people who generally only want to hear..and to have taught to their children… what they know.
The worst beatings i got as a child were for knowing and defending information and ideas that my mom had never heard of or had already decided were wrong.
it wasn’t her fault that she was never taught how to objectively evaluate information…
but it was her fault that she didn’t trust in what she wanted for me.. and that was to be well educated enough to do so.
Fear is a terrible thing.