Re: Remember when… (WS reminiscing thread)


seahawk kid

I grew up on 18th s.w. & s.w. Henderson between Wesewood & White Center. At Westwood I remember on the Trenton side it was swamp area And I would go there to look for pollywogs and spend the afternoon there. Westwood had Santa Clause house there.There was also Winchell donuts,Ernst hardware,Pay n Save, A shoe repair shop where my mom would get rubber taps for my dad.In White Center they had Wig-Wam store, Another store called the 88 cent store and a dime store.My favorite though was a pinball hall. I also remember me and my friend would go to White Center with a shoe shine box and shine shoes to make money.They had a Herfys where KFC is and everybody would hang out there with their cars.My brother used to work at Taco Time when It was just a walk in with no seating.Does anyone remember when you could collect pop bottles and return them for money? 5 cents for small bottles and 10 cents for big bottles.We would go around collecting and make a few dollars which back then would get you alot of candy.