Re: Rant to people leaving children in cars alone…..



A) Your address doesn’t read, South of Roxbury, Washington, your address reads Seattle, Washington – or maybe Burien, Washington where there’s only a line in the street showing the difference in townships – so you’re just as “big city” as the rest of us.

B) It’s not about you or your business. It’s about the safety of a child. This law was created because of people who think they know better than anyone else, so they can leave a child unattended in a car and everything will always be OK – regardless of the mountains of historical data proving the opposite. If you read newspapers or watch the news, you know this law was created to stop neglectful parents from unwittingly placing their children in danger.. and

C) By all means, loudly and publicly defend your right to break this law and put children in harm’s way. See how well that works for you and your children.