Re: RANT: Seattle City Light Rate Hike



Pay rates for workers aside, 20% (especially suddenly), is a lot.

If you hear people complaining, before you label them “whiners” and “crybabies,” remember: poverty=stress. Those of you can easily absorb rate hikes have privilege. It’s nothing to feel bad about, but say that aloud at least once: “privilege.”

People who are living paycheck to paycheck, busting their tails for very small wages, get stressed when their bills go up. It’s not a matter of buying less gourmet coffee or skipping the movies. It’s cutting back on groceries or heat.

I know most folks in West Seattle are wealthy. Not all are. Sometimes it’s scary to see your bills jump that high and that sparks anger.

It’s odd that people are assuming that the OP just hates blue collar workers. Where did that assumption come from? S/he didn’t say that.

I’m not assuming the OP is poor (or rich), but seriously, people are hurting right now. Public utilities should be discussed. Perhaps without cattiness.