Re: Rant – Broken Down Mobile Home License Plate 501 WJU



I believe that the City Parking Enforcement officers feel that they have done what they can. The vehicles are moved after the orange sticker appears. Therefor they side step the tow away; and rest comfortably until a new orange sticker appears.

Don’t know if anyone remembers; about two years ago there was (in the same block of Trenton) an old motor boat on a trailer hitched to an equally rusty old truck. Same story; sat there until it was stickered and then moved a few spaces. Until an unfortunate incident. A lady not paying close enough attention to her driving, ran into the rear left corner of the boat and trailer. Her Honda was destroyed; the boat and trailer damaged and the truck barely budged. The boat and trailer were towed off and the truck continued to sit in the neighborhood for months more. Its a given that her driving was in error; but troubling just the same that her insurance had to pay for damages to boat and trailer. And need I mention? The boat, trailer and p.u. belonged to the same low life who keeps tabs on the mobile home and the pick-up now parked on 29th just south of Barton. This guy’s a gem! His flatbed tow truck is chartreuse and I am keeping my camera at hand for a picture of it.