i get that all of the advertised activities you listed require one to be 18 to participate…
and i agree that glorifying some of those activities in ads is probably not so good for kids
but that’s just about the only thing they have in common with “a clean Beaver gets more wood”…
the sign clearly states
“a clean beaver gets more wood”
i struggle to find any way to read that that does not contain strong sexual connotations
and that doesn’t imply that the road to more sex includes their services
the website may say that those services are for those over the age of 18
but the sign definitely doesn’t.
the fact that the sign advertises an act that we wouldn’t want depicted on a sidewalk board in a “cute” way doesn’t diminish the message…
in fact, the cuteness only serves to enforce the image
i get that some people may have thought my description of this practice as genital mutilation was over the top..
though i stand by it for some pretty strong reasons
i’m too sexy for my boots shouldn’t pertain to pre-pubescent children..
yet in too many cases … what we condone
ignoring that denuding the genital area …
a practice promoted by pedophiles and pornographers …
has any connotation other than a grooming choice
to make a point about individual adult choices
misses the point entirely
if as an adult, you wish to make that choice (waxing)
and i am not implying that you have
go for it…
wax away to your heart’s (or your lover’s) content
i could care less
i just don’t think the practice should be promoted on the city streets