More than half of republicans polled want universal health care. (year old polling, may have increased with economic downturn) Combined with the majority of democrats, regardless of *The Platform*, Americans want universal health care. This is no longer a partisan issue.
Only 10% to 18% (depending on which poll you read) of all Americans want abortion to be completely illegal for any reason. This means 82% to 90% of Americans want some measure of abortions to be allowed (from all access to rape/incest/mother’s health). This is no longer a partisan issue.
The so called *wedge* issues no longer exist for the majority. The 22% of the electorate that still approves of Bush policies are probably the only ones who are going to feel disenfranchised. It appears that 78% want the change democrats are prescribing. How is majority rule, a republican mantra (the people should vote/decide, not activist judges) being construed as partisan now?