Hello JoB. On cabinet appointments. I think I am as dismayed as you. Maybe for different reasons.
No matter what Obama does, I think a lot of people will be unhappy with left or moderate positions concerning his choices. Republicans don’t expect a lot of compromise, nor should they. We lost (which in the long run may not have been a bad thing).
I like this cartoon about the GOP
I think Obama’s pick of Hillary for Secretary of State was genius. She would have been his leading opponent in the Senate. Now his political enemy is right where he can see her. But with that pick, I almost feel sorry for John Kerry, since he was such a good supporter of Obama’s.
I like this cartoon for Mrs. Clinton
When asked about Holder, I knew his Marc Rich mistake with the Clinton Pardons, but I am hoping Holder has learned from his past mistakes. At least it wasn’t Gorelich or Allbright. Pardons are interesting. What cocaine dealer were you speaking of?
I think this comparing Obama to Lincoln/FDR is a bit much since he hasn’t done anything yet. (Yes he did win the election and now many people have hope.) But I hope he can prove me wrong. I have heard some conservatives trumpeting his cabinet selections, but some are stridently disagreeing.
I am surprised he kept Gates. I do not believe he will be a thorn in the new Presidents side. I also think since we have to withdraw most of troops in Iraq in 3 years, he will probably be leaving around then. Just a guess.
I think in two years there will be quite a bit of turnover. If there are too many disagreements with the new president, I bet there will be some resignations.
I can’t resist a little partisanship. I do find it funny that when the market goes up it has to do with Obama’s pick of cabinet members, but when it goes down they have nothing to do with them. Whatever. Come 1-20-09 at 12:01pm it will be Obama Time.
Now, if he is a good president I won’t need to buy the 01-20-13 bumper sticker. If he is not a good president, well …. just having fun.
If anyone else sent these cartoons, I apologize for not having read your posts.