Re: Obama vs. McCain



Why on earth would anyone think that McCain is eminently beatable? Have the dems not learned anything?

Especially when you consider how Obama has been systematically destroyed (his own doing) by all the nutjobs he surrounds himself with? Ayers, Wright? For God sakes, the dems should have had this win hands down, now I can’t see how a dem could win.

Hillary is universally annoying, Obama is wet behind the ears and is not trustworthy, even he doesn’t seem to know who he is or what he stands for or who has been his “spiritual leader” for the past 20 years.

Yes lets see, who will the American people vote for, a military hero with decades of experience and who is well respected across the political isle or a junior senator who has managed to alienate pretty much everyone all the while running on a “united for change” mantra?

Yeah, that’s a real tuffy…..