Re: NBA coming back to Seattle?



The Roman emperors would be proud. Build a diversion. It WILL cost us hundreds of millions for new utilties, sewer and water lines, road and acesss improvements. And pray tell if we use the good faith and credit of Seattle and the teams go bust…. you pick up the tab. We are STILL paying for the Kingdome…a cool 70 million. All so 3X sized spectators can pretend it’s their shared glory as sedate taxpayers. Go for a bike ride, hike a mountain, kayak, walk a dog..stop being spectators.. When the city hooks up N’Ville with water… talk to me. When the city connects a new stadium… 200 million or so in new water and sewer connections would be cheap. The can sign all the leases they want… if the teams go under we hold the bag. Add a car rental tax, a food tax, hotel tax… remember all those? Any of them expire yet? If it is private money… go for it… to appease those who need their glory by proxy… that includes utilties, road improvements, street lights, road improvements etc… it costs a billion to build out for stadium. 300 million for a new stadium? Impossible. It;s an oink oink oinker. As to why Mercedes won’t locate here? AL is a right to work state… our minimum wage is the highest in the country, our B&0 taxes are beyond the pale, our “progressive” city council interferes with labor/management and thinks it can micromanage private enterprise… for starters… stadiums are crony capitalism. Businesses have learned a harsh lesson… the locate to states where the cost of living is low enough to not put constant wage pressures on their employees.