PP, you raise some very good points. There can be some confusion about compost vs. mulch (some products, like Moodoo, are both) and when and how to use them. Anything that creates a surface barrier, including stone, can be considered mulch.
Its sounds like your needs are different than Breezy’s. He/she wants to add nutrition and weed suppression; it sounds like you just want some surface protection. Leaves are fine for that, and usually they break down by spring. Pile ’em on. You really don’t need to “mulch” (as with a compost product) every year. In fact, it’s not a good idea as you can raise the soil level so much that it could suffocate tree roots. Also, don’t mulch up around the tree trunk as it can encourage rot.
Hope that helps!
BTW, “neutral” winters can sometimes hold the biggest surprises, according to Cliff Mass…